1899 - 1911

Elm Grove Elementary School was located in Section 4, Barnett Township,
DeWitt County.  

Term from 3 Sep 1899 to March 1200, teacher unknown:

Advanced Division:		Primary Division:
Grace Swan, age 13		Abbie Cantrell, age 7
Ray Cantrell, age 13		Anita Jeffrey age 9
Eddie Parker, age 15		Eva Bray, age 6
Wilhelm Shipley, age 16		Leonard Jeffrey, age 7
				Bliss Jeffrey, age 6
Intermediate Division:
Frank Shipley, age 12
Eileen Parker, age 11
Floyd Cantrell, age 11
Wayne Hethcote, age 11
Alma Cantrell, age 9

Term from 3 Sep 1900 to 7 March 1901.  Francis Longbrake, teachers:

Advanced Division:
Eddie Parker, age 16
Wilhelm Shipley, age 17  withdrew 31 Jan 1901
Fay Graham, age 15

Intermediate Divisions:
Frank Shipley, age 13
Wayne Hethcote, age 12
Eileen Parker, age 12
Alma Cantrell, age 10, removed to Iowa, 15 Dec 1900
Floyd Cantrell, age 12, removed to Iowa, 15 Dec 1900
Loyd Graham, age 11

Primary Division:
Abbie Cantrell, age 8, removed to Iowa, 15 Dec 1900
Eva Bray, age 7

Term from 2 Sep 1901 to 2 March l902, Mary DeMent, teacher:

Advanced Division:
Blanche McKinney, age 14
Wilhelm Shipley, age 18
Frank- Shipley, age 14

7th Grade:
Wayne Hethcote, age 14
3rd Grade:
Eva Bray, age 8
2nd Grade:
Fern McKinney, age 10 
lst Grade:
Fae Morse, age 6 
Hazel Hethcote, age 6

Term from 8 Sep l902 to 13 Mar 1903,  Comfort Hammitt, teacher:

Advanced Division:
Blanche McKinney, age 15 
Frank Shipley, age 15 

4th Grade:
Eva Bray, age 9
3rd Grade:
Fern McKinney, age 11
2nd Grade:
Fae Morse, age 7

Term from Sep 1903 to Mar 1904, Comfort Hammitt, teacher:

Advanced Division:		4th Grades
Blanche McKinney, age 16	Fern McKinney, age 12
Lota Coon, age 16		lst Grade:
Frank Shipley, age 16		Mamie Kirby, age 6
Pearl Coon, age 18		Nellie Bray, age 5
Chester Hume, age 14		Komer Graham, age 6

6th Grade:
Eva Bray, age 10

Term from Sep 1904 tp 12 May 1905, Teacher Charles Wiley Stone:

7th Grade:
Chester Hume, age 15, moved 23 Jan 1905
5th Grade:
Fern McKinney, age 13
Eva Bray, age 11 
Dorse Hume, age 12 
2nd Grade:
Nellie Bray, age 6
Komer Graham, age 7
Mamie Kirby, age 8
Chloe Everingham, age 8
lst Grade:
Helen Graham, age 5
Loyd Kirby, age 5
Loren Hoffman, age 5

Term from Sep 1905 to April 1906, Comfort Hammitt, teacher:

8th Grade:		2nd Grade:
Eva Bray, age 12	Helen Graham, age 6
3rd Grade:		Loyd Kirby, age 6
Nellie Bray, age 7 	Loren Hoffman, age 6 
Mamie Kirby, age 8 	lst Grade:
Komer Graham, age 8     Glenn Hoffman,, age 5

Term beginning 3 Sep 1906 to 5 April 1907, George W Finfrock, teacher:

3rd Grade:			2nd Grade:
Mamie Shipley, age 9		Loyd Kirby, age 7
Komer Graham, age 9		Vernon Kirby, age 6
Helen Graham, age 8             Glenn Hoffman, age 6
Loren Hoffman, age 8           	lst Grade:
				Norma Abbott, age 6

Term from 9 Sep 1907 to  9 April 1908, George W. Finfrock, teachers:

6th grade:			3rd Grade:
Mamie Kirby, age 10		Maggie Wade, age 10
Komer Graham, age 10		Loyd Kirby, age 9
4th Grade:			Vernon Kirby, age 7
Sallie Wade, age 12		2nd Grade:
Helen Graham, age 8		Glenn Hoffman, age 7
Loren Hoffman, age 9		Norma Abbott, age 7

Term from 7 Sep 1908 to 7 April 1909, Josephine Reynolds, teacher:

7th Grade:			3rd Grade:
Mamie Kirby, age 11		Glenn Hoffman, age 8
Komer Graham, age 10		lst Grade:
Nilla McCrary, age 12		Wilbur Hoffman, age 6
5th Grade:			Komer Moore, age 6
Sallie Wade, age 13		Wilmer Kaufman, age 6
Maggie Wade, age 11		Korean Kaufman, age 5, entered  in March
Helen Graham, age 9		Fern Kirby, age 6, entered in March
Loren Hoffman, age 9
4th Grade:
Veron Kirby, age 7
Loyd Kirby, age 9

Term from 6 Sep 1909 to 10 April 1910, Mae Smith, teacher:

Advanced Division:
Sallie Wade, age 14
Mamie Kirby, age 12
Nilla McCrary, age 13 
Maggi e Wade, age 12 ,
Komer Graham, age 12 ;

Intermediate Division:
Loren Hoffman, age 10
Loyd Kirby, age 10
Vernon Kirby, age 8
Helen Graham, age 9 
Glenn Hoffman, age 9

lst Grade:
Wilbur Hoffman, age 6
Komer Moore, age 6
Vera Moore, age 5
Fern Kirby, age 6

Term from 5 Sep 1910 to 10 April 1911, Frank A Fanisworth, teacher:

7th Grade:
Mamie Kirby, age 13 - County Diploma and County Spelling Certificate
Nilla McCrary, age 14 - County Diploma end County Spelling Certificate
6th Grade:
Komer Graham, age 12 
Helen Graham, age 11
Vernon Kirby, age 9
Loren Hoffman, age 11
Loyd Kirby, age 11
5th Grade:
Glenn Hoffman, age 10  
John Smith, age 11
3rd Grade:
Komer Moore, age 8 
Wilbur Hoffman, age 8
2nd Grade:		lst Grade:
Fern Kirby, age 8	Ruth Hoffman
Vera Moore, age 6	Romer Hudson, age 7
			Charlie Hudsong age 6

The following people signed the Visitors' Register at Elm Grove School 
for the years 1907 to 1910:

22 March 1907		Lester Finfrock, Waynesville, Ill.
23 September 1907	T. C. Wampler, Clinton, Ill. (County supt.)
24 February 1908	Alta G. Swan, Lineboro, Maryland
24 February 1908	Josephine Reynolds, Wapella, Ill.
24 February 1908	Nellie M. Williams, McLean, Ill.
8 November 1908		T. C. Wampler, Clinton, Ill. (County Supt.)
31 January 1909		Geraldine Reynolds, Wapellag Ill.
30 September 1908	Florence Jacques
29 March 1909		Nellie Bray
7 April 1909		Eva Bray
7 April 1909		Gertrude Jacques
23 September 1909	Mrs. R. H. Montgomery
23 September 1909	Olvie Montgomery'
19 November 1909	T. C. Wampler, Clinton, Ill. (Co. Supt.)
26 September 1910	W. 0. Hoffman, Waynesville, Ill.
15 December 1910	John L. Costley, Clinton, Ill. (Co. Supt.)
23 December 1910	Mae Graham, Clinton, Ill.

8th Grade Graduates for the 1914-1915 year.  A. S.  Green, teachers

John Vernon Kirby.  County Diploma.
Anna Mercer.  County Diploma.

Some facts from the Teacher's Summary at the end of the 1914-1915 year.
A. S. Green, Teacher:

Number of volumes in library			40
Value of library     				$25.00
Value of encyclopedias             		$45.00
Number of healthy trees on school grounds    	25

Teacher's salary was 				$85.00 per month.
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