The following report of the school at DeWitt, Illinois, appeared in
the 26 December 1873 issue of The Clinton Weekly Register.
Report of Grammar Department of DeWitt Public Schools, for the School Month
Ending Dec. 5th.
Pupils Names Av.Scholarship Pupils Names Av. Scholarship
Viola Richter 82 Edward Bossemman 75
Dora Tyler 96 John Groves 72
Lucinda McPherson 96 Charles Groves 84
Allie Taylor 97 Charles Walton 74
Ella Bay 91 John Richter 60
Florence Gault 87 Charley Chappel 70
Ella Robbins 80 Mght Nixon 93
Martha Robbins 90 Joseph Boi3seman 93
Elizabeth Day 97 @ne Groves 50
Margaret Trego 85 Hiram Richter 50
May Parker 97 Owen Brown 50
Ella Emery 88 Frank Gault 50
Ilena Gaby 70 Samuel Walton 70
Flora Parker 94 John L. ])ay 70
Doll Robbins 97 Henry Fristoe 94
Jacob Emery 83 James Walton 50
Isaac Brewer 88 Abraham Chapin 60
Charley Jones 97 William D=lap 50
Luther Bryant 83 Nathan Trego 94
Michael Hodges 74 Robert Brewer 90
W. B. Hobbs, Principal.
Frank Mittan 80 Jane Parker 90
John Parker 80 Mahala McPherson 90
Andrew McDonald 40 Lilly McConkey 89
Charles Leasure 96 Lida Lafferty 89
Leonidas Comel 95 Clara Mittan 90
Kempton Brown 94 Mary Buckle 85
Charles Chapin 96 Mollie Brewer 50
L. Chapin 25 Kittie Heral 20
Robert Emery 88 Cora Walton 25
Isaac Brown 25 Berty Richter 25
Frank Brewer 20 Mary Huffman 50
Wesley Mittan 25 Sarah Nixon 90
Eddy King 20 Ella McConkey 50
Ulyses Decumsha @5 Minnie Lafferty 25
Elmer Decumsha 10 Nettie Parker 30
Frank Huffman 65 Hannah Nixon 25
Millie Shinlcle, Teacher.