Mexican War
1846 - 1890
War was declared in Mexico in May 1846, and Illinois under the call for
volunteers was entitled to three regiments. E. D. Baker, then a prominent
man of Illinois, through the influence of Hon. O. B. Ficklin, a congressman
at the time, pervade on President Polk to allow him to raise a fourth
regiment from Illinois, and by this means the DeWitt county men entered
the service. Mr. Baker was elected Colonel, Lieutenant-Governor Moore was
chosen Lieutenant-Colonel, and Thomas Harris was elected Major. They
were ordered into the service of the United States from the 30th day of
April, 1846, to the 28th day of May, 1847. The company were mustered
into service July 18th, 1846, by Colonel Churchill.
The following is a list of the volunteers in Co. F. Those marked (*) were
present at the muster out of the company.
Captain * Daniel Newcombe.
1st Lieutenant Richard Murphy
2nd Lieutenant * Benjamin Howard
3rd Lieutenant * Charles Malthy
Orderly Sergeant William Lowery(Left sick at Jalapa, May 7th, 1847)
2nd Sergeant * G. E. Bennett
3rd Sergeant * John Venson
4th Sergeant * Absalom Hamilton
1st Corporal * Isaiah Davenport
2nd Corporal * William Allsup
3rd Corporal William Kinney(Hospital attendant at Jalapa, May 7th, 1847)
4th Corporal * William Davis
Musician * John Mason
* Beebe, David
Belford, Owen
Bennett, Gabriel E
Benson, Charles H (Left sick at Matamoras, Oct 9, 1846)
Boyer, George M (Left sick at Jalapa, May 7, 1847)
* Brock, Elias
Brown, James
Brown, Samuel J (Left sick at Matamoras, Oct, 9, 1846)
Butler, William
Carlock, Andrew
Chapman, J. F. (Left sick at Matamoras, Oct. 9, 1846)
* Chack, Adam
* Clifton, William
* Clifton, Joseph
* Connell, Samuel
* Coppenbarger, Joseph
* Davis, Remus
Dawson, James
Farris, Benjamin (Left sick at Matamoras, Oct 9, 1846)
* Glenn, Darby
* Glenn, Samuel P
Halsey, Solomon
* Harp, William
* Henry, James
Hill, Egbert O. (Left sick at Matamoras, Oct 9, 1846)
Hite, Levi (Sergeant till Dec 6, 1846, when appointed
to the Quartermaster Dep’t)
Hutchins, Thomas (Killed in battle)
Inman, James (Left sick at Matamoras, Dec 14, 1846)
* Logan, James A.
* Martin, James
* Martin, John
* McDeed, John
Murphy, Richard (Killed in battle)
* Perryman, James
* Price, John
* Purdy, John II
* Purdy, William
* Richards, Isaac
* Russell, Lowe Z
* Sawyer, Selick
* Scroggins, Anderson
* Sherk, Adam
* Skidmore, Reuben
* Slatten, Joseph
* Smith, James (Left sick at Matamoras, Dec 14, 1846)
* Star, Conrad
* Stram Isaac H
Tenery, Thomas
Thornley, Leroy (Died from wounds, Jalapa, May 7, 1847)
Turner, James R
* Van Nolt, Isaac
* Webb, Richard D
* Willis, Isaac W
* Wright, William
By 1881 only seven remained alive: Isaac H Stram, Isaiah Davenport,
Thomas Harp, Benjamin Howard, William Lowery, and Elias Brock.
After the formation this company marched to Alton, where arms were in
store, which the regiment procured by a little maneuvering on the part
of Col. Baker and Capt. J. S. Post. Col. J. J. Hardin, believing that
he was entitled to these arms, stoutly proested against their
appropriation by Col. Baker, and a wordy warfare ensued which came near
resulting in a duel. From Alton, the regiment was transferred to
Jefferson Barracks, and there placed under charge of Col. Churchill,
commandant, under whom it rceived thorough discipline and drill. About
the 20th of July the regiment was mustered into service by Col. Croghan,
of Fort Meigs notoriety. In a few days the regiment received order and
embarked for New Orleans, and thence to Brazos Santiago Bay, four miles
north of the mouth of the Rio Grande, where it disembarked.
They remained there about a week, when orders were received to march up
the Rio Grande, a distance of eight miles. At this point orders were
received to move still further up the river to Matomoras, on the Mexican
side, where they remained a few days, and then moved on to Camargo, where
a great deal of sickness ensued. Returning to Matamoras, they then marched
to Victoria - marching on Christmas day forty-five miles. About the first
of January 1847, orders were received to march to Tampico, two hundred
miles distant, at which place preparations were made for an attack on Vera
Cruz. Taking ship at Tampico about the first of February, Vera Cruz was
reacned in sixteen days, and Company C assisted in the construction of the
batteries and the bombardment of the city, which surrendered March 29.
After the taking of the city of Vera Cruz, Scott’s army marched for the
city of Mexico, and en route met Santa Anna at the mountain pass of Cerro
Gordo, on the 18th of April, where a battle was fought.
At this battle Santa Anna came near being taken prisoner, and in his effort
to escape left in his carriage twenty-five thousand dollars in silver and
his cork leg, which were captured by Company C, it being at the head of the
brigade. The next morning ensuing the battle, Gen Scott followed on to
Jalapa, where Company F remained about a month, when the time of enlistment
expired, and the company returned via New Orleans and St. Louis, arriving at
home about the first of June, 1847.