Hertfordshire, England
The "Golden Parsonage" was leased to John Halsey and his son William in 1520 by King Henry VIII.
Heny VIII graned the property to William Halsey, by deed dated March 12. 1545. Our ancestor
Thomas Halsey was born at the Parsonage Jan 2, 1592. The house has been occupied by Halseys
since before 1520.
Nicolas Halsey is the current owner. The "new house" was built in 1705, after the old monastry
was destroyed by fire. The only thing that was left of the old mansion is a section of a high
brick wall. The estate was formerly over 3,000 acres; but, is now reduced to 1800 acres.
Nicolas is trying to keep from having to turn over the estate to the government for use as a
historical site.
The old church is fascinating - foundation dated back to 1099 A.D. An addition was added in
the 1700's and is called "The Halsey Mortuary". They have moved markers in from the cemeteries
that were deteriorating as well as added memorials from that date to present.