I found a new book in the Melbourne, FL Library entitled "SOLDIERS OF THE AMERICAN
REVOLUTION BURIED IN ILLINOIS," by the Illinois State Genealogical Society, dated 1976.
Brennan, Matthew (Added by Lawrence Baker)
Cutright, Peter
Day, Edward D. Sr.
Dunham, William
French, John
Fruit, James Samuel
Glenn, Thomas (Please see note #1)
Hurley, James
Jones, Peter
Scott, John
Taylor, William (Please see note #3.)
Vincent, William
Walden, Elijah
Weedman, Jeremiah (Please see note #2)
BRENNAN, Matthew Buried in Nixon Township Cemetery, Weldon, IL.
CUTRIGHT (Cartwright), Peter
Born: 1759 in Hampshire County, Virginia
Died: Probably 1841
Buried: DeWitt County, Illinois
Spouse: Christiana Garbin
Residences: He resided for a time in Macon County, Illinois, where he applied for a
pension, which was granted in 1833. He lived in Sangamon County in 1834 and
in DeWitt County in 1840.
Service: Soldier: Virginia Militia. He enlisted Sep 1, 1780 and served for six
months with Capt. Daniel Riteson and Capt. Robert Cravens, in Col. Robert
Steven’s Regiment.
Pension: S32164 (Va.) Pension Roll, Sangamon County, Illinois, May 3, 1834, age 74;
Pension Roll, DeWitt County, Jun 1, 1840, age 81, residing with Samuel
Cartwright, head of family. His last pension payment was Sep 4, 1841.
Christiana R1759
Sources: DAR, PI, PENSION, W
DAY, Edward D. Sr.
Born: 1760 in Charlotte County, Virginia
Died: Apr 11, 1837
Buried: DeWitt Cemetery (old), DeWitt, DeWitt County, Illinois
Spouse: Ursula Sublette
Residences: Edward Day was the grandfather of Honorable W. H. Herndon, a law partner of
Abraham Lincoln.
Service: Private: Virginia Militia. He enlisted from Charlotte County, Virginia in
Capt. Charles M. Collier’s Company, Col. David Morgan’s Regiment when sixteen
years of age, serving five months; in Capt. William Price’s Company, Col.
Thomas M. Randolph’s Regiment, three months; in Pact. Gideon Spencer’s Company,
Col. Randolph’s Regiment, two months.
Pension: S32200 (Va.); Illinois Pension Roll, Sangamon County, Illinois, Feb 15, 1834,
age 73.
Marker: His grave was marked by the DeWitt Clinton Chapter DAR, Clinton, Oct 3, 1969.
DUNHAM, William
Died: Nov 30, 1833
Buried: Union Cemetery, DeWitt County, Illinois
Sources: From DeWitt Clinton Chapter, Clinton, Illinois
Born: Nov 2, 1760 in Rockingham County, Virginia
Died: Feb 17, 1844
Buried: Old City of McGraw Cemetery, Clinton, DeWitt County, Illinois
Spouse: Dolly
Service: Private: Virginia Continental troops
Pension: Residence Decatur, Macon county, Illinois, when pension claim suspended
(Act June 7, 1832) "certificate withheld until someone of responsibility
applies for it." Dolly R3795 (Va.)
FRUIT, James Samuel
Born: Nov 13, 1762 in Orange County, North Carolina
Died: Oct 9, 1834
Buried: Tunbridge Cemetery, Kenney, DeWitt County, Illinois
Spouses: 1. ____ Clark
2. Mary Reeder
Children: (First marriage) John, Thomas, Clark, Edmund, Alexander, Enoch, Elizabeth,
Sibylla, James, Martha
Residences: He moved from North Carolina to Christian County, Kentucky, in the 1800s;
to DeWitt County, Illinois, about 1828.
Service: Soldier: Pennsylvania
Marker: His grave has a DAR marker.
Sources: DAR, PI, Letter
GLENN, Thomas
Died: Jul 31, 1846
Buried: Rock Creek Cemetery, DeWitt County, Illinois
Sources: Family
Born: Apr 1, 1759
Died: Jan 11, 1850
Buried: Camp Ground Cemetery, DeWitt County, Illinois
Sources: HR
JONES, Peter
Born: 1753
Died: 1829
Buried: Union Cemetery, Waynesville, DeWitt County, Illinois
Spouse: Rebecca Scott
Service: Private: Pennsylvania
Sources: PI
Born: May 29, 1763 in York County, Pennsylvania
Died: March (or November) 13, 1847
Buried: Rock Creek Cemetery, near Waynesville, DeWitt Co., IL Spouse: (1) Ann Craytin
[John Scott's first wife's name wasn't "Ann Craytin", but actually Sarah
Kincannon. -- Per Matt Scott]
(2) Nancy Keith
Residence: The Scott family moved to Sangamon County, Illinois in 1824, was living in
McLean County in 1832, and had moved to DeWitt county by 1840.
Service: Private; Virginia Continental troops. He enlisted in May 1780 from Washington
County, Virginia in Capt. James Dysart’s Company, Col. William Gamble’s
Regiment, serving one year. He was in the battle of King’s Mountain and
Wetzell’s Mills.
Pension: S32509 (Va.); Illinois pension roll, McLean County, Sept 25, 1833, age 71;
Illinois Pension Census, DeWitt County, June 1, 1840, age 77, residing with
John Maxwell, head of family.
Markers: His grave was marked by DeWitt Clinton Chapter DAR and descendants of John
Scott on Nov 8, 1970.
TAYLOR, William
Died: August 25, 1821
Buried: Woodlawn Cemetery, near Clinton, DeWitt County, Illinois
Source: DAR
VINCENT (Vinson), William
Born: 1759 in Hampshire County, Virginia
Died: 1836
Buried: Rock Creek Cemetery, Waynesville, DeWitt County, Illinois
Residences: Coming to Illinois, he settled at Long Point Timber, DeWitt County
Service: Soldier: North Carolina
Pension: Residence, Bloomington, McLean County, Illinois when pension claim was
rejected (Act June 7, 1832) "not having six months service."
Marker: His grave has been marked by the DeWitt Clinton Chapter DAR.
WALDEN, Elijah
Born: May 15, 1766
Died: May 16, 1856
Buried: Walden Cemetery, DeWitt County, Illinois
Source: DAR, Letter
WEEDMAN, Jeremiah
Born: Oct 20, 1763
Died: Jan 28, 1856
Buried: Camp Ground Cemetery, near Clinton, DeWitt County, Illinois
Source: DAR
Note: #1 Thomas Glenn wasn't a Revolutionary soldier. He is buried in Rock Creek Cemetery,
but when I was there last I took a real close look at his tombstone- it says he was 70 years
old when he died, which would put his birth in 1776, too young to fight in the war. I
wish I knew what the "family" source was, since I don't think that particular Thomas Glenn
ever married.
Matt Scott
Note: #2 Jeremiah Weedman was NOT a Revolutionary War Veteran. I have seen this
information before and it is simply wrong. He was born 25 Oct 1823 in Perry Co., OH and died
28 Jan 1856 in DeWitt Co., IL. Burial is in Campground Cemetery.
H. N. (Nick) Weedman
Note: #3 I am inquiring about the listing of William H. Taylor being in the
Revolutionary War. He is listed d. 1821, source DAR. When I was in Clinton last fall, I
copied from the Woodlawn Cemetery records, William H. Taylor b. April 4, 1877--d. August 26,
1921. He was a veteran of the civil war. The second William H. Taylor, b. June 4, 1836---
d. Nov. 18, 1905. My question is, could some one have made a typo since these are the only two
William Taylors buried in Woodlawn, according to their records? The William H. Taylor b. 1877
is an ancestor, he is son of Henry N. Taylor and Mary E. Miller. His son is Walter M. Taylor,
all from Clinton. there are brief biographies in "History of De Witt County, and The
Biographical Record"