Spring 1977 Vol III No. 1
The following death notices appeared monthly in issues of the Clinton Weekly
2/2 Adams, Infant Santa Anna Twp Erysipelas
6/20 Armstrong, Catherine 28y Rutledge Twp Consumption
10/29 Armstrong, James H 5y5m DeWitt Croup
3/14 Arnett, Eliza M 59-10-5 Clintonia Twp Pleuro pneumonia
5/20 Balar, Jacob 74y Waynesville Twp Fever
8/30 Bell, Amos F 19y Wilson Twp Typhoid fever
2/7 Bell, Cora 6m3da Clinton Hydrocephalus
1/8 Bennett, Gideon P 16y Creek Twp Hip joint disease
9/29 Bliss, Nellie 1y Clinton Consumption
1/27 Bradely, Lulu Belle 2-6-12 Clinton Meningitis
12/20 Britton, Effie L 7y4m Harp Twp Membranous croup
8/6 Brooks, Albert M 2y DeWitt Twp Cerebro spinal menigitis
1/28 Callison, George 29-2-2 DeWitt Twp Consumption
9/26 Carinan, Oliver 21y Kenney Erysipelas
5/25 Cartmill, Rebecca 105y Co Poor House Old age
8/21 Cartright, Ollie May 5m Creek Twp Cholera infantum
2/16 Casto, Mahala P 12-9-2 Harp Twp Intermittent fever
2/17 Cisco, James 2y Wapella Twp Whooping cough
11/15 Collins, Ben 1m Clinton Erysipelas
8/30 Conklin, Biddy 65y Texas Twp Bronchial consumption
10/27 Crang, Grace 3y2m Clinton Diptheria
10/7 Davis, Jennie May 11y Rutledge Twp Diptheria
10/13 Day, Samuel 77y7m Creek Twp Strangulated hernia
10/1 Day, Zelpha L 7y DeWitt Pneumonia
4/16 Dea, Laura Oliver 15-7-21 Clinton Consumption
4/26 Decker, Thornton 5y Wilson Twp Menengitis
1/26 DeLand, Lucinda G 69-5-6 Clinton Pneumonia
2/10 Denny, Mahala Jane 23y Ruthledge Twp Consumption
2/20 Dickey, Harriett C 31y Farmer City Typhoid fever
2/15 Downing, Laura L 7m Wapella Twp Pertussis pneumonia
4/4 Ducy, Daniel 2-3-20 Kenney Meningitis
2/24 Dunbar, Anna L 6m Wapella Twp Pertussis
5/5 Eads, Stella 1 y Barnett Twp Whooping cough
8/17 Eatherton, Charles W 22y Clinton Epilepsy
8/15 Erwin, Sarah 56y Farmer City Consumption
10/27 Erwin, Walter 3y2m Santa Anna Twp Croup
12/5 Fackerell, Bennie R 6m Clinton Laryngitis
11/24 Farmer, Jesse D 3y10m Farmer City Clothes taking fire
3/16 Fitzgerald, Elizabeth 55y3m Barnett Twp Uremia
10/19 Fricke, Dora Eliza 68y Rutledge Twp Pneumonia
3/12 Gillinan, David 15y Farmer City Pneumonia
10/19 Godden, Charles 103y Harp Twp Typhoid pneumonia
11/17 Gore, Ola 7y10m Wilson Twp Spinal meningitis
4/11 Gorman, Patrick 54y7m Clinton Typho malarial fever
10/2 Green, Nido 4y Clintonia Twp Typhoid fever
2/5 Griffith, John Byron 11m8da Harp Twp Brain Congestion
8/24 Hall, Lala 9da Harp Twp
2/12 Hall, Theodore 5m1da DeWitt Twp Coryzia
7/28 Hallum, Sarah Ann 1m Texas Twp General debility
2/15 Hanger, Frederick 69y Clinton Dropsy
5/23 Hannah, John 47y Harp Twp
8/6 Havly, Jane A 6m Texas Twp Diptheritic croup
1/15 Hays, James c 40y Clinton Suffocation/intoxication
6/19 Hennessy, Frederick 50y Co Poor Farm
2/20 Henson, John 80y7m Clinton Bronchitis
9/15 Holloway, Charles A 2m Farmer City Brain fever
3/4 Hoops, William 28y Co Poor Farm Phthisis
3/22 Hubble, ____ 1-2-24 Wilson Twp Whooping chough
6/20 Huffman, Isaiah 56y DeWitt Bronchitis
6/20 Huffman, S 56y DeWitt Bronchitis
7/4 Humphreys, Milton B 65y Barnett Twp Consumption
11/25 Hunter, Otho D 19y Barnett Twp Strangulated hernia
10/29 Hurst, Laura V 33y Clintonia Twp Phthisis pulmonalis
4/12 Hyter, Armindia 8m Tunbridge Twp
7/9 Jackson, Infant Son Clinton Cholera infantum
2/26 Jennings, William 87y Co Poor Farm Old age
12/11 Johnson, John 18y Wilson Twp Typhoid fever
2/15 Karr, Mamie C 4m15da Wapella Whooping Cough
1/22 Kerr, Anna L 3m22d Wapella Whooping cough
7/25 Landon, Carrie 3y Wapella Twp Catarrh of the lungs
7/9 Layton, Jesse 1y Waynesville Whooping cough
2/14 Lisenby, Florence A 23y Weldon Exhaustion
1/9 Looker, Vernelle 10m15d DeWitt Gastro enteritis
8/18 Malone, James 1y Clinton Marasmus
1/19 McAboy, J 82y Creek Twp Dropsy
8/22 McConkey, Minnie D 10y DeWitt Twp Diptheria
11/22 Mongold, Jacob S 32y Texas Twp Phthisis pulmonalis
1/6 Monroe, James 78y Tunbridge Twp Insufficiency of mitral valves
11/7 Morse, Josephine H 22y Clinton Phthisis pulmonalis
2/23 Mulliken, Want S 2da Farmer City
8/25 Myer, Lewis J 8m Creek Twp Cholera infantum
1/17 Overmine, Rachel 71-6-10 DeWitt Twp Pneumonia
3/15 Parker, Sarah Briton 65-2-8 Barnett Twp Gastro enteritis
3/12 Passwater, Eugene 4m Wapella Twp Catarrhal fever
3/5 Peters, Mrs A M 52y Texas Twp Stomach/bowel disease
2/24 Phillips, George W 45y Clinton Mental derangement
1/5 Pollison, Willie 9-4-23 Farmer City Consumption
1/21 Proven, John R 12yrs Harp Twp Covulsions
6/21 Richards, Edgar W 6y Wapella Twp Typho-malarial fever
11/19 Richards, Mary Ann Poor House Spinal abscess
7/7 Roberts, Ella A 23y Clinton Consumption
5/6 Roberts, Geo V 1y Wapella Drowing
4/10 Rogers, Joseph T 66y Clinton Enlarged postrate gland
8/30 Romine, Perry Lee 21y Wapella Twp Typhoid fever
2/16 Savage, William G 66y4m Clinton Brain Disease
1/24 Scott, Mary Ellen 3m24d Waynesville Twp
9/9 Smith, Charles E 1y Texas Twp Hemiragia
6/8 Smith, John 75y Farmer City Pneumonia
7/12 Spencer, James M 32y Harp Twp Bronchitis
6/28 Sprague, Emma 1y Barnett Wwp Brain fever
2/28 Stimler, Elizabeth 28y Farmer City Chronic bronchitis
11/9 Stivers, Delbert W 5y Clintonia Twp Diptheria
11/10 Stivers, William W 3y Clinton Diptheria
7/16 Teustee, Iby 73y Wilson Twp
3/19 Thomas, Geo H 2-7-2 Wapella Pertusis
10/2 Thompson, Laura 17y Creek Twp Typhoid pneumonia
7/6 Tuggle, Mary Ann 1y Harp Twp Cholera infantum
7/10 Twist, Sarah 58y Nixon Twp Appolexy
10/24 Vance, Hiram Lee 4y5m Rutledge Twp Membranous croup
10/16 Vandiver, William C 13da Nixon Twp Acute peritonitis
2/5 Walker, Luda 1m3da Tunbridge Twp Bronchitis
3/14 Webb, Delila 27y Harp Twp Congestive chills
10/29 Welch, Mary C 2y Harp Twp Membranous croup
11/3 Wilkison, Margaret 54y DeWitt Twp Pneumonia
11/18 Williams, Anna 20y Santa Anna Twp Pulmonary consumption
7/4 Wilson, Bertie H 5y Wapella Twp Diptheria
6/22 Wilson, Jessie Isam 6y Wapella Twp Diptheria
7/14 Wilson, Lemma May 10y Wapella Twp Diptheria
10/9 Wise, Hannah Bell 8m DeWitt Twp Overflow of gall
3/5 Wright, Nancy 57y Tunbridge Twp Consumption
8/5 Yoter, Gilbert 1y Farmer City Worms