Civil War Registration
H - N
A list of all free, white, able-bodied male
citizens between the ares of 18 and 45 who were
subject to military duty.
Winter 1975 Vol I No 1
Spring 1976 Vol II No 1
Winter 1976 Vol II No 4
Fall 1976 Vol II No 3
Haberfield, Wm Texas
Haddis, George Barnett
Haggard, Francis M DeWitt
Haggord, Thomas DeWitt
Haines, O P Clintonia
Haldeman, J B Clintonia
Hall, Aquilla P Barnett
Hall, Henry P Barnett
Hall, Jonathan R Barnett
Hall, Samuel Harp
Hall, Thomas D Barnett
Hallam, Jonathan Barnett
Halsey, Solomon Wapella
Halters, George Wapella
Halvey, John Wapella
Ham, Jason Waynesville
Hamill, Samuel B Clintonia
Hammitt, James W Waynesville
Hammitt, Mathew Waynesville
Hammond, John F Clintonia
Hammond, John S Clintonia
Hammond, William Clintonia
Hampeman, Daniel Clintonia
Hanah, Alexander Harp
Hand Jr, Silas Creek
Hand, J S Clintonia
Hand, John M Santa Anna
Hand, Nathan Creek
Hand, Philip Santa Anna
Handcock, Ross Wilson
Handey, William Harp
Hanger, Charles DeWitt
Hanger, Samuel DeWitt
Hankins, R N Santa Anna
Hanks, Philip R Creek
Hannah, Alec Harp
Harlot, John H Wapella
Harmell, J F Harp
Harold, J F Harp
Harp, Alexander Harp
Harp, Francis M Harp
Harp, Jasper N Harp
Harp, Joseph Wilson
Harp, M B Harp
Harp, Simpson Harp
Harp, Thomas Clintonia
Harp, Thos D Waynesville
Harp, William J Harp
Harp, Wm J Harp
Harper, Adam Rutledge
Harper, Alfred Waynesville
Harper, Amos Rutledge
Harper, Francis M Waynesville
Harper, Milam Waynesville
Harrell, John Clintonia
Harrell, S K Clintonia
Harrington, Daniel DeWitt
Harris, Amos Waynesville
Harris, Andy Santa Anna
Harris, Nathaniel P Clintonia
Harris, Ruben Texas
Harrison, George Barnett
Harrison, John S DeWitt
Harrold, Andrew Wapella
Harrold, E B Wapella
Harrold, E W Wapella
Harrold, Eli Wapella
Harrold, Elicum DeWitt
Harrold, Malen Wapella
Harrold, Wm Harp
Harry, Cyrus Wapella
Harvey, Stephen Wapella
Hassenger, J J S Creek
Hassinger, Jacob Creek
Hassinger, Jesse Creek
Havens, R P Barnett
Haynie, Edward Clintonia
Haynie, Wm Clintonia
Hays, S F Tunbridge
Hazel, John Creek
Hazlitt, James Wapella
Hearrold, Alfred Harp
Heckler, Wm DeWitt
Hedges, Clark Barnett
Helmick, Adam Rutledge
Helmick, James Rutledge
Hempleman, Daniel W Clintonia
Henderson, John Tunbridge
Hendrick, Sylvester Clintonia
Hendricks, John H Clintonia
Hendricks, M S Clintonia
Heneper, James Wapella
Henkle, Abraham Harp
Henkle, Isaac Harp
Henry, Edward O Waynesville
Henry, Francis M Barnett
Henson, E W Clintonia
Herald, Samuel H Clintonia
Herrold, William Harp
Herron, A C Barnett
Herst, Edward Santa Anna
Hesterman, John Barnett
Hetzel, C Clintonia
Hetzell, O Clintonia
Hibbett, J K Creek
Hichell, Reasin Wapella
Hichman, N W Tunbridge
Hickel, Henry Waynesville
Hickman, David W Clintonia
Hickman, John T Clintonia
Hickman, L B Clintonia
Hilderth, Jonathan Harp
Hildreth, C J Barnett
Hildreth, John Harp
Hill, B T Texas
Hill, E O Texas
Hill, Elijah Clintonia
Hill, J S Clintonia
Hill, James Texas
Hill, Jesse H Clintonia
Hill, Peter Creek
Hill, R P Texas
Hill, Thomas Nixon
Hinkel, Abraham Harp
Hinkel, Isaac Harp
Hinson, John Clintonia
Hitchner, M Clintonia
Hoard, Samuel Wilson
Hobbs, Wm B Clintonia
Hodges, Levi DeWitt
Hodges, William DeWitt
Hoff, Joshua Creek
Hogle, Jacob Clintonia
Hogle, Jacob Harp
Hogle, Peter Clintonia
Hogle, Peter Harp
Holderman, J B Clintonia
Holloway, Philip Santa Anna
Holmes, M P DeWitt
Holt, Charles W Texas
Hoover, Columbus Santa Anna
Hoover, John Santa Anna
Hopkins, John Waynesville
Houchins, Lewis Clintonia
Hough, George W Barnett
Hough, Samuel P Barnett
Houser, J C Clintonia
Houser, Jonas P Waynesville
Houser, Jonathan C Wapella
Hovey, Henry Clintonia
Hovey, L D Clintonia
Howard, Benjamin Tunbridge
Howard, E Tunbridge
Howard, Francis M Tunbridge
Howard, John F Clintonia
Howard, Peter Tunbridge
Howard, Reuben Clintonia
Howe, J H Santa Anna
Howser, A F Waynesville
Howser, David G Barnett
Howser, Jonas P Barnett
Hoyt, Orrin Clintonia
Hoyt, Orrin A Barnett
Hubbard, Andrew Santa Anna
Hubble, G T Wilson
Hubble, John Wilson
Hucle, O Texas
Huddleston, C H Santa Anna
Huddleston, S A Santa Anna
Hufam, Andrew Waynesville
Huff, John Texas
Huff, W J Texas
Huffman, C P DeWitt
Huffman, Charles Texas
Huffman, Cirus P Rutledge
Huffman, Cornelius Rutledge
Huffman, Elias Rutledge
Huffman, Wm DeWitt
Hull Jr, Wm Clintonia
Hull, Alfred Barnett
Hull, Ansel B Barnett
Hull, George Clintonia
Hull, Kirtley Barnett
Hull, Levi C Barnett
Hull, Theodore Clintonia
Hull, Trustum Barnett
Hull, William Clintonia
Hulsey, W R Santa Anna
Hume, John W Wapella
Hume, S B Wapella
Hummell, Joseph Clintonia
Humphreys, J H Clintonia
Humphreys, Joseph Clintonia
Humphreys, Joshua C Barnett
Humphreys, Milton Barnett
Humphreys, William Barnett
Humphreys, Wm F Clintonia
Humphreys, Zebulon R Barnett
Humphrys, G G Tunbridge
Hunter, N F Clintonia
Hunting, C B Texas
Huntley, E S DeWitt
Hurley Jr, Dennis DeWitt
Hurley, David Santa Anna
Hurley, Jeremiah Santa Anna
Hurley, John Santa Anna
Hurley, Lewis Santa Anna
Hurlihu, Pat Wilson
Hutchin, C E Tunbridge
Hutchinson, James DeWitt
Hutchison, J W Barnett
Hutchison, Thomas S Clintonia
Hutson, Elijah Harp
Hutson, Thomas Harp
Hyland, Dennis Santa Anna
Hysey, Henry C DeWitt
Incho, Thos M Wapella
Ingersoll, I S Santa Anna
Irvin, J Clintonia
Irwin, W R Santa Anna
Ives, Avery Clintonia
Ives, Avery Wapella
Jackson, John Clintonia
Jackson, John Wapella
Jackson, Joshua Harp
Jackson, William Creek
Jackson, Wm Harp
James, Charles A Waynesville
James, Ephram Texas
Jamiseson, Harvy Clintonia
Janes, Charles A Barnett
Jeater, George Santa Anna
Jefferson, Reuben Waynesville
Jeffery, Wm O Waynesville
Jefford, John H DeWitt
Jeffrey, Arileus Waynesville
Jeffrey, Francis M Waynesville
Jenkins, James Barnett
Jenkins, Paschal Barnett
Jepson, John Clintonia
Jepson, Joseph Clintonia
Jewell, S P Clintonia
Johnson, Abraham Wilson
Johnson, Alexander Harp
Johnson, Amos Clintonia
Johnson, Bailey Creek
Johnson, Barney Clintonia
Johnson, Boly Creek
Johnson, C L Clintonia
Johnson, Charles Clintonia
Johnson, Daniel Creek
Johnson, Elias Santa Anna
Johnson, Henry Waynesville
Johnson, J B Clintonia
Johnson, James Waynesville
Johnson, John Wilson
Johnson, Noble Barnett
Johnson, Samuel Rutledge
Johnson, Samuel Santa Anna
Johnson, Silas Santa Anna
Johnson, Solomon Wilson
Johnson, Thos Waynesville
Johnson, Zachariah Creek
Jolly, John M Clintonia
Jones Jr, James Barnett
Jones Sr, James Barnett
Jones, Albert Santa Anna
Jones, B T Clintonia
Jones, Campbell Santa Anna
Jones, Charles Clintonia
Jones, Charles W Waynesville
Jones, Columbus Clintonia
Jones, Cyrus Clintonia
Jones, D C Clintonia
Jones, David Clintonia
Jones, Hugh B Barnett
Jones, Isaac DeWitt
Jones, J J Texas
Jones, Jacob W Barnett
Jones, John Barnett
Jones, John A Clintonia
Jones, John M Barnett
Jones, John W Clintonia
Jones, Lemuel Clintonia
Jones, P B Clintonia
Jones, Preston Santa Anna
Jones, Smith D Rutledge
Jones, Thomas Clintonia
Jones, Uriah F Rutledge
Jones, V A Harp
Jones, Valentine Harp
Jones, William H Barnett
Jones, Wm H Wapella
Jonson, Eason Texas
Jordon, W H DeWitt
Karr, James Wapella
Karr, John W Wapella
Karr, Josep T Wapella
Karr, Joseph T Wapella
Karr, Michael Wapella
Karr, Philip Wapella
Katz, Charles E Clintonia
Keeve, M H Harp
Keever, George W Harp
Keever, Moses H Harp
Kegaroce, J J Clintonia
Kelison, A B Santa Anna
Keller, Cornelius Texas
Kelley, Anderson Harp
Kelley, Arthur Fenner Harp
Kelley, C Texas
Kellogg, W W Clintonia
Kelly, Jas Clintonia
Kelly, Joel A Harp
Kelly, John Creek
Kelly, Joseph J Clintonia
Kelly, Thomas Creek
Kelly, William Wapella
Kemp, Wallace Craden Creek
Kendall, Lemuel Santa Anna
Kenison, Alonzo Harp
Kenison, William Harp
Kennedy, James Barnett
Kenney, John Tunbridge
Kenney, Moses Tunbridge
Kenney, William Barnett
Kennison, William P Harp
Kennoght, Alois Clintonia
Kent, Emmet H Clintonia
Kerby, James A Tunbridge
Kerby, James M Tunbridge
Kerby, John Tunbridge
Kerr, J A Harp
Ketterman, Michael Rutledge
Kias, John DeWitt
King, August Texas
King, Edward H Clintonia
King, George W Waynesville
King, Joel E Clintonia
King, Sylvester Clintonia
King, William Wilson
Kinney, John Waynesville
Kinney, Patrick Clintonia
Kioen, John Wapella
Kious, John DeWitt
Kirby, Benjamin S Barnett
Kirby, Wm Santa Anna
Kirby, Wm B Barnett
Kirckpatrick, J S Harp
Kirk, O L Clintonia
Kistler, David Creek
Knadeler, G W Clintonia
Kneedler, Abner Clintonia
Kneedler, George Clintonia
Knight, Arrod Santa Anna
Knight, L L Santa Anna
Knight, R R Santa Anna
Knobbs, Geo W DeWitt
Knobbs, John DeWitt
Knobs, John Rutledge
Kohn, Frederick Clintonia
Koontz, Addison Clintonia
Koontz, John Clintonia
Koontz, Robert Clintonia
Krannick, Alexander Creek
Krannick, Jacob C Creek
Krepps, A J Santa Anna
Krepps, Andrew J DeWitt
Kyle, Samuel Clintonia
Lafettra, Benjamin J Harp
Lafferty, James Rutledge
Laforce, Daniel G Rutledge
Lahy, John Tunbridge
Lahy, Thomas Tunbridge
Lakin, O Clintonia
Lane, Alvis H Waynesville
Lane, Arthur Harp
Lane, Asher Creek
Lane, E B Clintonia
Lane, Ed Clintonia
Lane, James A Waynesville
Lane, Jesse H Clintonia
Lane, John L Tunbridge
Lane, Madison Creek
Lane, Marion Creek
Lane, Tillman Creek
Lane, Tilman Clintonia
Lane, Wm Creek
Lanes, Jesse Clintonia
Lanterman, Henry C Barnett
Lappen, Wm Rutledge
Larned, G F Santa Anna
Larry, Patrick Wapella
Lary, Thomas Wapella
Lasure, G B DeWitt
Lawrance, R N Waynesville
Lawson, Frank Creek
Leaper, James Santa Anna
Lee, Amos Santa Anna
Leeds, John M Clintonia
Leeper, C C Barnett
Leeper, Charles Wapella
Leeper, Huston Wapella
Leever, Leonedaes Harp
Leever, Oliver Harp
Leigh, A J Waynesville
Leighner, Isaah M Waynesville
Leighner, John H Waynesville
Leightall, James W Wapella
Lemon, J W DeWitt
Lemon, John R Harp
Lemon, Nuton Harp
Lenard, Joseph Barnett
Lenvert, John Creek
Leon, W M Nixon
Lester, J n Rutledge
Lethe, Joseph Texas
Lever, John Harp
Lever, Leonides Harp
Lever, Oliver Harp
Levingston, Wm P Rutledge
Lewis Jr, B S DeWitt
Lewis, G W Wilson
Lewis, John Creek
Lewis, John F Clintonia
Lewis, John F DeWitt
Lewis, S F Clintonia
Lillard, B H Clintonia
Lindsey, G W Santa Anna
Lintner, James B Clintonia
Lisenby, Charles S Creek
Lisenby, James Clintonia
Lisenby, John Creek
Lisenby, Wm Creek
Lister, Alfred Harp
Litsinberger, William Barnett
Little, James Wapella
Little, Peter Texas
Litzenbarger, John Clintonia
Lively, Robert Barnett
Livingston, Calvin Waynesville
Livingston, George Rutledge
Livingston, R J Rutledge
Livingston, Thomas M Rutledge
Lockenbill, Mathew Harp
Loer, Thos Wapella
Lofton, Barney DeWitt
Long, Jacob Clintonia
Long, Lewis Clintonia
Long, Nelson Texas
Longbrake, Francis M Waynesville
Longbrake, Jas E Waynesville
Longbrake, John L Waynesville
Longfelow, Wm H Barnett
Longnecker, P T Barnett
Lookenbill, Jacob Harp
Lookingbile, Bookamen Harp
Low, William Nixon
Lower, B F Wapella
Lowery, David Santa Anna
Lowry, Wm Clintonia
Luck, Wm A DeWitt
Luckenbill, Baitley Harp
Luckenbill, Bartholamew Harp
Luckenbill, John Harp
Luckenbill, Mathew Harp
Luddington, Thomas DeWitt
Lukes, Henry Rutledge
Lum, Richd Wapella
Lumbeck, John Tunbridge
Luner, Richd Wapella
Lutral, Josiah Texas
Lyons, Harry Wapella
Lyons, Wm Clintonia
Mabern, Phineas DeWitt
Machey, Saml L Clintonia
Madden, Z H Clintonia
Maddox, Thomas M Barnett
Madigan, John Wapella
Magill, William Harp
Maloid, David Nixon
Malona, Thomas Texas
Malone, Daniel Creek
Malone, James Creek
Malone, Marion Creek
Malone, Peter Creek
Manlove, John W Nixon
Mann, Joel Santa Anna
Mansfield, Jacob Harp
Mapes, James A Clintonia
Maple, B D DeWitt
Maple, Milton DeWitt
Maples, Levi DeWitt
Marks, Stacy W Waynesville
Marrs, D D Texas
Marsh, David DeWitt
Marsh, George DeWitt
Marsh, James Harp
Marsh, Joseph DeWitt
Marshall, John Waynesville
Marten, Benjemin Creek
Marten, George Creek
Marten, Tillmon Creek
Martin Jr, Wm S Nixon
Martin, Alexander Creek
Martin, Benjamin Clintonia
Martin, John F Clintonia
Martin, Michael Wapella
Martin, S H Santa Anna
Martin, Samuel P Creek
Martin, Thos Wapella
Martin, Tillman Creek
Martin, W H Nixon
Martin, Wm S Nixon
Marvel, George Barnett
Marvel, James H Barnett
Marvel, James K Barnett
Marvel, John S Barnett
Marvel, Prettyman Barnett
Marvell, George Waynesville
Marvell, Wiley Waynesville
Mascuel, Andrew J Wapella
Mash, James Harp
Mash, John Harp
Mason, J E Clintonia
Mason, John Clintonia
Mastin Jr, Hiram Creek
Mastin, Aaron Creek
Mastin, Benjamin Creek
Mastin, Hiram Creek
Mastin, Levi Creek
Mathew, James Barnett
Matson, Goodlep Waynesville
Matthews, Henry Barnett
Matthews, James H Barnett
Matthias, Henry Creek
Matthias, Jacob Clintonia
Matthias, Jacob Creek
Mavay, Ezra Texas
Maxey, Joseph Wapella
Maxwell, Wm Santa Anna
May, Francis Wapella
May, Francis Wilson
May, Henry Wilson
May, Jacob Wilson
Mayall, Samuel Creek
McAboy, Benjemin Creek
McAboy, Thomas Creek
McAlister, William Waynesville
McAuley, B F Barnett
McAuley, M M Barnett
McCaffery, Frank Clintonia
McCann, H B Santa Anna
McClellan, James L Harp
McClellan, Samuel J Harp
McClellen, W G Harp
McClen, Taylor Rutledge
McClenon, James Harp
McClenon, William Harp
McClerg, Thomas Santa Anna
McClimans, David Barnett
McClure, William H Barnett
McConkey, Archibald DeWitt
McConkey, James S DeWitt
McConkey, Samuel L DeWitt
McConkey, Wm H DeWitt
McCook, Henry C Clintonia
McCord, Charles W Rutledge
McCord, J H Santa Anna
McCord, James S DeWitt
McCord, Nicolas F DeWitt
McCord, William J Rutledge
McCord, Wm Y Santa Anna
McCorkle, T N Clintonia
McCormick, Timothy Wapella
McCoy, Alexander Santa Anna
McCracken, Samuel Rutledge
McCreary, T L Waynesville
McCuddy, C H Texas
McCuddy, F M Nixon
McCuddy, Felix Harp
McCullough, John Harp
McCulough, James Harp
McDeed, Gorden Creek
McDeed, James Nixon
McDermott, Carles Tunbridge
McDonald, George Santa Anna
McDonald, J Santa Anna
McDonald, John Clintonia
McDonald, Samuel Santa Anna
McDonald, Wesley E Santa Anna
McElhiney, T B Clintonia
McElroa, John Tunbridge
McErvin, William Nixon
McFarland, Jesse B Wilson
McFarland, Leander Clintonia
McFarland, Wm M Wilson
McFeters, Benjamin DeWitt
McGaston, John P Wapella
McGee, William Santa Anna
McGee, Wm Texas
McGill, Henry Clintonia
McGill, Robert Clintonia
McGowan, P F Clintonia
McGowan, Samuel Clintonia
McGraw, L S Clintonia
McHenry, R P Clintonia
McHerrigan, Tho Clintonia
Mchren, Samuel Texas
McIrwin, J R Clintonia
McKinley, Charles C Harp
McKinley, James Wapella
McKinley, James H Santa Anna
McKinley, John Nixon
McKinley, Joseph Santa Anna
McKinley, Robert Rutledge
McKinney, Enoch Nixon
McLain, John Clintonia
McLean, T A Santa Anna
McLelan, Samuel Harp
Mclimans, Wm Barnett
Mclimens, Daniel Tunbridge
Mclin, Fredrick Rutledge
McMahan, John Clintonia
McMillin, John Barnett
McMullen, Henry DeWitt
McMullen, John DeWitt
McMurray, Alfred Barnett
McMurray, Peter Clintonia
McNair, E L Creek
McNier, Absolem Nixon
McNier, Ely Creek
McNier, John Nixon
McNier, Morris Nixon
McNier, P W Nixon
McNier, S W Nixon
McNier, Samuel Nixon
McPherson, A C Santa Anna
McPherson, John Clintonia
McReeves, Wm Wapella
Mcuddy, Charles Texas
Mcvay, E Texas
McWilliams, David Waynesville
Meach, Edward Wapella
Mechren, S Texas
Medland, John Clintonia
Megredy, Enoch Barnett
Meliza, Adam Santa Anna
Meloy, David Nixon
Mencer, George Nixon
Mencer, Michael Nixon
Merriman, H H Clintonia
Merritt, W P DeWitt
Messer, George Creek
Messildine, Jospeh Tunbridge
Messkeley, Seward Harp
Metting, A J Texas
Metz, Albert Wapella
Metz, John D Wapella
Metzger, William Waynesville
Metzler, Philip Clintonia
Mewling, Wm Wapella
Mhly, C Santa Anna
Middleton, Charles Waynesville
Milkey, John Creek
Milkey, Samuel Creek
Millard, Robert Clintonia
Miller, A H Creek
Miller, A R Creek
Miller, Ben F Waynesville
Miller, Benjamin Creek
Miller, David Creek
Miller, Ebenezar Harp
Miller, George DeWitt
Miller, James Creek
Miller, John D Creek
Miller, John H Tunbridge
Miller, Martillous Barnett
Miller, Mathew Creek
Miller, Thomas G Barnett
Miller, Tyre Harp
Miller, William Harp
Miller, William Waynesville
Miller, William C Barnett
Mills, Hickman Clintonia
Mills, John H Barnett
Mills, Paschal Clintonia
Mills, Samuel Clintonia
Mills, Thomas J Barnett
Mills, Wm Clintonia
Milton, John Wilson
Minic, Austin Santa Anna
Miskelly, Sewaard Harp
Mitchell, B T Texas
Mitchell, James D Creek
Mitchell, John H Clintonia
Mitchell, John T Clintonia
Mitchell, L S Texas
Mitchell, Wm T Creek
Mittan, G H Santa Anna
Mock, Lewis Rutledge
Monnett, Hilery Santa Anna
Monroe, A D DeWitt
Montgomery, John C Tunbridge
Montgomery, John W Barnett
Montgomery, John W Wapella
Moody, Charles S Creek
Moor, F M Texas
Moor, Joseph Texas
Moor, Wm Texas
Moore, Blish Clintonia
Moore, C H Clintonia
Moore, I Wapella
Moore, John Wm DeWitt
Moore, Joseph Clintonia
Moore, Joseph A Santa Anna
Moore, Joseph M Clintonia
Moore, Wm B Clintonia
Moore, Wm M Creek
Morain, J W Rutledge
Moran, John Waynesville
Moreland, Andrew Clintonia
Morford, John Waynesville
Morford, Robert Waynesville
Morford, Wesley Waynesville
Morgan, F E Clintonia
Morgan, G W Santa Anna
Morley, William R Santa Anna
Morris H H Barnett
Morris, J Clintonia
Morris, Joseph Barnett
Morris, Joseph Waynesville
Morris, M A Clintonia
Morris, Richard Waynesville
Morrison, Alex L Wapella
Morrison, Clinton F Clintonia
Morrison, Henry B Wapella
Morrison, Isaac Harp
Morrison, Isaac N Clintonia
Morrison, James M Clintonia
Morrison, O F Clintonia
Morrison, Simeon DeWitt
Morrison, William Nut Harp
Morrow, A J Barnett
Morrow, Dennis Texas
Morrow, Francis Barnett
Morrow, J F Texas
Morrow, John J Barnett
Morse, Isaac C Barnett
Morse, Wm B Clintonia
Morton, Daniel DeWitt
Moses, John Texas
Mowry, Charles Clintonia
Mulcaky, Patrick Wapella
Mulholland, Thos T Wapella
Mulkey, Philip Creek
Murphey, Jay Creek
Murphey, John P Santa Anna
Murphey, P P Creek
Murphey, Robert A Santa Anna
Murphey, Wm W Santa Anna
Murphy, Patrick Wilson
Murphy, Peter P Creek
Murphy, Wilson Rutledge
Myers, G P Nixon
Myers, Henry DeWitt
Myers, John Wilson
Myers, Samuel DeWitt
Nagley, Aaron Clintonia
Nagley, Robert Clintonia
Nase, George Nixon
Neal, Joseph W Santa Anna
Neal, Stephen Barnett
Neal, William Tunbridge
Neff, Martin C Waynesville
Nelson, Calvin Wapella
Nelson, Isaac Wapella
Nelson, Lewis Clintonia
Nesbitt, Henry W Texas
Nesbitt, Wm Texas
Newberry, B C DeWitt
Newberry, Miles C Santa Anna
Newberry, Wm Santa Anna
Newgent, Edward Wapella
Newman, A E Tunbridge
Newman, Moses Wilson
Nice, Eratus Tunbridge
Nicholas, John Rutledge
Nichols, Hugh Waynesville
Nichols, Isaac G Waynesville
Nichols, John Waynesville
Nickolson, Thomas Harp
Niles, John Clintonia
Niles, Wm H Clintonia
Nixon, George Nixon
Nixon, Morris Nixon
Nixon, Thomas Nixon
Nixon, William DeWitt
Norris, A S Santa Anna
North, Hiram B DeWitt
North, J W Rutledge
North, Thomas J DeWitt
North, thomas M Rutledge
North, Wm M Harp
Nowlin, John Harp
Nowlin, Nathaniel Harp
Nydegger, Theophilus Santa Anna