Was organized on 21st. day of Nov. 1868, by a committee appointed by the Presbytery of
Bloomington, consisting of Rev. R.A. Creswell, then of Normal, and Elder H. Crosley, of
Clinton, who met at the M.E. Church, Farmer City, and organized the following named persons;
---O.T. Scott, Mrs. Margaret A. Scott, Samuel H. Scott, John T. Scott, Miss Nancy L. Scott,
Miss Margaret Scott, Mrs. Margaret Rogers, Miss Sylvana Rogers, Miss Anna Rogers, Miss Ada
Rogers, Mr. James White, Mrs Mary J. White, Mr. Joseph Jackson, Mrs. Hannah Jackson and Mrs.
Alice Mean, 15 in number, who came by letter from other churches. Messrs. O. T. Scott and
James White were elected Elders. Since the organization there have been added on examination
59; on certificates, 80; No. at organization, 15; making a total of 154. There have been
dismissed by letter, 73; have left irregularly, 13; died 10; total, 96; leaving present No.
of members 58.
The following ministers have served this church. Rev. J. O. Hough, James Stickel, Mr. Winn,
D.R. Love, L.P. Crawford, and J. P. Coyle. The following have been the elders. O.T. Scott,
James White, David Newell, R. H. Kincaid, Thomas McBride, J.B. Hunt, Wm. Haynie, W. G. Cochran,
and W.W. Alder.
The Sabbath-School was organized in 1870, and has been maintained up to the present time and is
in a flourishing condition.. The church building was erected in 1871, at a cost of $3,500.
there have been paid out for minister's salary and other expenses, about $1,000 per year, or
about $14,000 in all. At Present the church is without a minister, but the congregation is
endeavoring to secure one. END.