We have been greatly disappointed in our efforts to gather sufficient materials to enable us to
give a full history of the rise and progress in this county, of this great ecclesiastical
organization, which numbers in its ranks nearly one-half of the professing Christians of the
globe; which has done more toward the advancement of civilization in this and the old world
that any other religious denomination, We have tried in vain to make this article more
extensive, but the ministers of this "Old Faith" (who now reside here) have been here only a
short time, nor have the records of the church been accessible to us. We present the sketch,
fully aware of its deficiencies, but as the very best possible under the circumstances
surrounding us during its preparation. The Catholic faiths represented in this county by one
organization, locate at Wapella, and one mission recently established at Clinton. For several
years after the organization at Wapella was effected, it was maintained as a mission auxiliary
to Bloomington. In 1857 the idea of erecting a house of worship began to be agitated, and was
soon put into execution. A house, costing about $2,300 was constructed , also a parsonage,
which cost about $1,200. The first resident priest was Father Reavis, in 1867. He was succeeded
by Fathers Schriber, Reconuver, and the present incumbent, Patrick C. McGrath.The church is in
a flourishing condition. the membership are now moving in the matter of building a larger
house of worship. Plans and specifications have been partially settled upon for a brick
structure, which when completed, will be among the best edifices of the kind in the county. End.