Every religious body should be able to give a reason for its existence; enlightened public
sentiment demands it; if it is not doing a good work for humanity, peculiar and distinct from
other religious bodies, there is no reason for its existence, for why, should we multiply
agencies to accomplish a certain end, when united effort would accomplish the same in less time?
If then this body of Christians cannot give sufficient reason for its existence, to satisfy an
intelligent community, it ought to die. What then are it positions, principles, and purposes?
I give them by quoting from the pen of our state evangelist, N.S. Haynes: "While this church
holds much truth, in common with others, yet it has its distinctive features that give it a
right to live. With others it holds the divine inspiration of the Holy Scriptures, the revelation
of God's will and character in them, the divinity and Christ hood of Jesus, forgiveness of sins
through His atonement, faith in the Christ and obedience to His authority as the necessary
human agencies in the formation of Christian character, the resurrection of the dead, and the
doctrines of future retribution. The peculiar features of this church are these: that while
believing this Old Testament is the Word of God and necessary in order to a right understanding
of the New, yet the Old is not our rule in life, because it was never given as such to us
Gentiles, and because it has been supplanted by the New Testament; that the Scriptures are all
-sufficient to make the man of God perfect, and hence the rejection of all human creed
schismatical sinful; that in religious teaching we hold the "form of sound words," rejecting all
unscriptural terms, as Trinity, et id emne genus, and all unbiblical names; hence the nickname
"Campbellite" is unauthorized and offensive; that conversion is not the mysterious and direct
impact of the Holy Spirit on the sinners soul, but his turning from sin to the Savior, the
proof of His conversion being a Christian life; and that an inquirer after salvation must
always be answered, according to his condition, in the exact words of the inspired oracles
for such cases made and provided; that the ordinances, baptism and the Lord's supper, must be
observed as given by Christ and His apostles without change; that all of Gods people shoud be
united in "one body," as in the primitive and apostolic church, in order that they may the more
efficiently do their Master's work, and turn the world in faith to Him. "Where the bible speaks
we speak, where the bible is silent we are silent." Is a cardinal maxiim? To go back to the
beginning of the church to make our beginning, to make our teaching and practice, in all
matters essential, coincide with that of the inspired apostles is the aim of this religious
body. This, our plea, has made wonderful progress in the past fifty years. From a very feeble
folk we have grown to 500,000 in the United States, besides large and flourishing churches
in Australia and New Zealand. Our minisionaries are at work in Jamaica, England, Denmark,
Norway, France, and Turkey. As many were added to this Church in the United States as to the
Methodist Episcopal church in the same territory in the year 1879. The influence of this
divine plea has reached all classes of society, and this Church has two members in the House of
Representatives, and our late president, James A. Garfield, was member of this society; besides
these there are other names with a national reputation. It publishes fifteen papers and
periodicals and a large number of tracts and books. Its members have under their control
thirty-eight schools of all classes, one-half of which are academies, colleges, and
universities of a good grade. The following is the history of this Church in De Witt County.