The New Providence Baptist Church
Sometimes called Old School, or Predestinarian Baptists, located in Tonbridge township. this
church was constituted in the month of June, 1853, by elders Mann, Scroggins and J. Froman, the
names of constituent members were Simon Williams, Sarah Williams, Eleanor Baird, Lucilla Duncan,
Tarlton Embree, Patsy Embree, Ursula Belford, Elizabeth Gamble and John B. Moore. The following
named ministers have served this church as pastors,viz: Elders J.B. Moore, S. Huskill, P. McCay,
J.H. Meyers, J. H. Ring and L. Davis. These brethren have a comfortable house of worship,
located some miles east of the town of Kenny, Their church property is all paid for. Their
present membership is thirty-three. The following are the doctrinal tenets of this church: We
beleive in only true and living God. The Father, the Word and the Holy Ghost, and these three
are one. We beleive the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are by inspiration of God,
and the only rule of faith and practice. We believe that by one mans disobedience(Adams), all
his posterity became sinners by nature and practice, and are unable to save themselves from that
lost, dead state by their own free will, power or ability. We believe in the doctrine of
eternal, personal election and predestination of all things pertaining to the church, as His
body, and that God did choose His people in Christ, before the world was. We believe that
sinners are justified before God, by and through the righteousness of Jesus being inputed to
them and that good works or spiritual sacrifices are evidences of our faith and justification.
We believe in the final perseverance of the saints, through grace to glory, and not one will or
can be lost. We believe that baptism and the Lord's Supper are ordinances of the Lord, to be
continued by His church until His second coming. We believe that believers are the only subjects
for baptism, and baptism is immersion, and none legal but that performed by an orderly minister
of the church. We believe that none but those who are legally baptized have a right to
communion. We believe that no minister has the right to administer the ordinances in this house
of God, until he has been legally baptized and approved by the church, and come under the
imposition of two more ministers or elders of the church. We believe in the resurrection of the
dead, both of the just and unjust, and the judgment of the grest day, and that the joys of the
righteous and the punishment of the wicked will be eternal. We believe in the doctrine of
regeneration, or being born again; that except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of
heaven, and that which is born of the flesh, and that which is born of the spirit is spirit, and
out of the natural, or Adamic, and the spiritual nature, grows the warfare between the old and
the newman, or outward and inner man. End.