Farmer City M.E. Church
The beginning and growth of Methodism about Hurly's Grove has been related already. The nobel
men who labored for and fostered an earnest Christianity in Hurly,s Grove settlement in the
early years of this county, laid the stable foundations that form the underlying granites of
Farmer City Methodist Christianity now. After belonging to the Marion missino for several years,
Mt. Pleasant circuit was formed in 1839; and the pastors who served on this circuit for many
years have already been named, and we may only now say, any precious be the memory of Horace
Maynard, R. Wiuans Clark, Paxton Cummins, Abbott Goddard, John Sinclair, Peter Cartwright,
Norman Allyn, William Hindall, and John S. barger, who years past "ceased from their labors";
their work follows them". their spiritual offspring now compose as important and influential
part of the membership of this station. while these ministerial worthies planted the Gospel in
Hurly's Grove, thirty, forty, and fifty years ago, the soil in which they planted it was rich
in unusual fertility. Few communities in any county had for first settlers a better class of
men than those that settled about Hurly's Grove, Fewer still have had so many men of sterling
religious worth; and smaller yet are the number of communities who have raised up so many
children to follow in the steps of their parents in business enterprise and decided piety than
the Hurly's Grove people---Richard Kirby, Charles McCord, Dennis Hurly, John Weedman, John
Darmer, Asa Weedman, Wm. McCord, and others who have ceased to live, belong to this roll of
honor. The ministers of Mt. Pleasant circuit, in 1859, C.Y. Heco, 1860-1 W.B. Barston; 1862,
C. Arnold. during Mr. Arnold's term, the main body of the present church was built; in 1863,
B. Barthlow; 1864, S. Shinn; 1865-6, G.B. Wolfe; 1867, M.M. Davidson. In 1868, Mt. Pleasant
had it's name changed, and the circuit, so long bearing a worthy record, passed away, and Farmer
City became a station, and Rev. .A.T. Orr, it's first minister in charge. The church has now
two wings to the main building, affording increased capacity for an audience, and with sliding
doors, convenient for class-room. It is ample in size, avoiding architectural attractiveness,
but it is a model of chasteness and comfort. Mr. Orr served this station for three years; was
highly esteemed by his people, and gathered many into the church; in 1871, M. W. Everhart; in
1872, Ira Emerson; 1873, J.B. Seymore; 1874, -5, J. Shaw; 1876, D. Gay; 1877, W. F. T. Spruill;
1878-9 J.T. Orr; 1880-1, M.A. Hewes. During the pastorates of Mr. A.T. Orr, Mr. Shinn, Mr.
Davidson, Mr Everhart, Mr. Shaw, and Mr. J.T. Orr, the church was encouraged by special revival
seasons and additions to their numbers. Farmer City station forms one of the chages of Champaign
District, and the presiding Elders have been A. Semple. R. Travis, H. Buck, W.N. McElroy, and
now J.G. Little. A Society has been recently been formed at weedman, a rail-road town, a few
miles from Farmer City, and by the efforts of John Weedman and others, a handsome church has
been erected. This Society is supplied with preaching by the pastor at Farmer City. End