NAME Page Abbott, J.W., 606 Abbott, Mary, 676 Achison, James, 650 Ackinson, Elizabeth, 636 Ackinson, Susan, 636 Ackison, John, 581 Actin, George W., 516 Actin, John, 515 Actin, Samuel, 699 Acton, Jefferson, 760 Adams, Jackson, 530 Adams, John N., 619 Adams, Parker S., 526 Adams, Samuel, 587 Adams, Sarah, 648 Adams, Stephen, 526 Adams, W.W., 563 Adams, William, 528 Adams, William, 595 Adkins, T.D., 626 Ailer, Andrew, 736 Ailer, Augustus, 744 Alexander, Ellen, 653 Alexander, Joanna, 652 Alexander, O.A., 589 Allen, Francis, 509 Allen, Mary Jane, 512 Allen, Sarah, 603 Allen, Thomas, 611 Allen, Wilson, 512 Allin, Calvin, 762 Allyn, Edward, 599 Allyn, G.W., 562 Alsop, James, 577 Alsop, Thomas, 552 Alsup, Hardin T., 521 Alsup, John, 520 Alsup, William, 552 Alvan, John, 711 Anderson, Mary, 716 Anderson, Rebecca, 656 Andrews, Harrison, 529 Andrews, James J., 570 Andrews, John, 695 Anstine, Charles, 527 Arbogass, David, 723 Arbogass, Elizabeth, 691 Arbogass, Henry C., 690 Arbogast, George, 691 Arbogast, Henry, 697 Arbogast, Henry, 741 Arbogast, Hugh, 741 Arbogast, Peter, 745 Arbograss, Daniel, 702 Arc, John F., 543 Argo, Alexander, 570 Armstrong, George, 581 Armstrong, Henry, 628 Armstrong, Hiram, 550 Armstrong, James, 542 Armstrong, James, 602 Armstrong, Joseph, 552 Armstrong, Joseph, 595 Armstrong, Kirby, 614 Armstrong, William, 622 Arnett, William R., 632 Arnold, Isaac, 636 Arnold, Samuel E., 490 Ashum, George, 643 Atherton, A.P., 571 Atherton, Don Carlos, 572 Atherton, Josiah, 651 Atkinson, J.S., 647 Atkinson, John, 648 Aughenburg, Charles, 589 Back, Henry L., 493 Bailey, Joab, 727 Bailey, John F., 621 Bailey, T.O., 670 Bailey, Theodore F., 600 Baird, Peter, 546 Baird, Sarah, 547 Baird, William, 547 Baitty, Daniel, 665 Baker, Daniel, 745 Baker, John, 724 Baker, Lucinda, 643 Baker, Margaret, 647 Baker, Samuel, 757 Baker, Samuel C., 638 Baker, Washington, 753 Baldwin, Jonathan, 730 Baldwin, Nancy, 591 Bales, Wilton, 539 Ball, Benjamin, 492 Ballard, Ann, 559 Ballard, Ellen, 589 Ballard, John, 703 Ballard, Joseph, 703 Ballard, Mary, 546 Bambro, Jacob, 628 Ban, William, 617 Banes, Thomas, 765 Banta, Jorden, 599 Banta, Mary, 591 Banta, Sabitha, 581 Barber, Arch, 568 Barclay, Henry, 689 Barclay, Samuel, 668 Barnes, Hannah, 697 Barnes, John, 722 Barnes, Rebecca, 732 Barnes, Susan, 565 Barnes, William S., 726 Barnett, Alex, 596 Barnett, Alice, 585 Barnett, Alvin, 562 Barnett, B.F., 622 Barnett, Curtis, 614 Barnett, F., 613 Barnett, Robert F., 612 Barnett, William, 596 Barngrover, A., 763 Barngrover, Andrew, 764 Barnhart, Margaret, 535 Barnhart, Martin, 533 Barnhart, Simmern, 615 Barns, Caroline, 496 Barns, Robert, 688 Barr, Hamilton, 619 Barr, John, 618 Barr, Mathias, 744 Barr, Thomas, 619 Barriman, Evan, 534 Bartley, John Y., 615 Bartley, Nancy, 616 Barton, John, 660 Bates, Eliza, 585 Bates, Franklin, 560 Bates, Gerrus, 564 Bates, Jordan, 570 Bates, Rachel, 696 Bates, Theodore, 607 Bates, Washington, 592 Bates, William, 695 Bateson, Benjamin, 686 Bateson, Joseph, 679 Bateson, Lewis, 724 Bateson, Lydia, 714 Batterson, William, 685 Batterton, Elizabeth, 489 Baum, Eliza Ann, 564 Bay, Edwin, 735 Bayard, Augustaris, 604 Bayless, David, 638 Bayless, George W., 651 Beal, John, 529 Beal, William, 727 Bean, William P., 636 Beaty, George H., 530 Beaty, Isaac B., 574 Beaty, James C., 530 Beaty, Penelope L., 513 Bebee, Hiram, 623 Bebee, Samuel, 527 Bebee, Samuel, 623 Bebee, Timothy, 611 Bebout, William, 652 Beddie, Mary, 555 Beers, C.H., 568 Belford, Nancy, 543 Belford, Rebecca, 542 Belford, Ursela, 542 Bell, Garret, 516 Bell, George W., 574 Bell, Harry, 683 Bell, Henry, 569 Bell, James W., 576 Benett, Aquilla, 492 Benett, David, 509 Benett, David, 510 Benett, Gabriel, 495 Benett, George, 490 Benett, Henry S., 510 Benett, J.C., 493 Benett, John, 510 Benett, John Sr., 490 Benett, Mary, 510 Benett, Sophia, 490 Benett, William, 498 Benjamin, Elizabeth, 601 Bennett, Cyrus, 624 Benson, William, 608 Berry, John, 574 Berry, John, 719 Bett, William, 677 Betzer, Frances, 607 Bevans, Delilah, 494 Bevers, Alpheus, 722 Bidwell, Jackson, 760 Bigton, William, 631 Billington, Henry, 631 Bingham, John, 568 Binnerman, James, 725 Bird, Melina, 658 Bishop, John, 586 Bishop, William, 579 Bissel, A.S., 705 Black, James, 562 Black, Robert, 615 Black, William, 561 Black, William, 574 Blackenburgh, George, 719 Blaikey, John, 530 Blaikie, William, 584 Blair, Emily, 734 Blair, William, 733 Blake, Samuel, 576 Blaloc, Richard, 519 Blalock, David, 750 Blandin, Thomas, 744 Blankenship, Mary, 513 Blount, John R., 757 Blue, Isaac, 544 Blue, Job, 523 Blue, Uriah, 522 Blunt, James, 544 Bogar, Elias, 490 Bogar, F.H., 562 Bolen, John, 670 Bolligh, Henry, 520 Bone, Samuel, 490 Bongree, Gideon, 541 Boniff, John, 554 Bonn, Elizabeth, 505 Bonn, John F., 504 Bonner, G.W., 624 Book, J.C., 573 Bookout, Nicholas, 765 Booth, John, 647 Borders, David, 637 Borders, Nancy, 638 Borders, Solomon, 653 Borders, William, 599 Bordner, Daniel, 737 Borger, J., 747 Bortman, Absolom, 745 Bortman, Isreal, 758 Bortman, Samuel, 739 Borton, J.L., 737 Borun, Aaron, 519 Boserman, John, 537 Bosserman, David, 730 Bosserman, Samuel, 732 Bosserman, Susanna, 730 Botkin, William, 551 Bourgnine, Peter, 489 Boutman, Robert, 497 Bowen, Ann, 591 Bowen, Daniel, 579 Bowers, David C., 549 Bowers, Josepheus, 600 Bowles, Anderson, 610 Bowles, Jesse, 555 Bowles, Malvina, 551 Bowles, Moses, 551 Bowles, William F., 550 Bowling, Margaret, 667 Bowling, Minus, 666 Bowling, William, 666 Bowling, William H., 666 Bowman, James, 646 Bowman, James, 647 Bowman, John, 626 Bowman. Anna, 631 Boyce, Aly, 709 Boyce, Theodore, 641 Boyd, Marshall, 496 Boyd, Sarah, 582 Braden, Samuel, 521 Bradford, William, 728 Bradley, J.E., 626 Brady, Stephen, 729 Braker, James, 591 Bramm, Eli, 526 Branard, William J., 605 Brelsford, William, 547 Brennan, Mary, 711 Brewster, John W., 597 Brewster, William, 716 Brick, Francis N., 633 Brick, Judson, 637 Brickey, John, 698 Brickey, Peter, 697 Briggs, Ann, 589 Briggs, Mary, 594 Briskel, Alex, 721 Brittin, George, 685 Brittin, Isaac F., 598 Brittin, James, 764 Brittin, John, 765 Brittin, JohnE., 598 Brittin, Morris, 685 Brittin, Nathan, 685 Broadwell, Charles A., 604 Broady, Stephen, 684 Brock, Andrew, 640 Brooks, Jonathan, 695 Brooks, William S., 539 Brounder, John, 691 Browby, May N., 705 Brower, James M., 617 Brown, Abraham, 718 Brown, Alce, 715 Brown, Charles, 590 Brown, Charles, 607 Brown, David F., 714 Brown, George, 668 Brown, Henry, 594 Brown, James, 663 Brown, James A., 560 Brown, James F., 668 Brown, John, 544 Brown, John, 637 Brown, John, 668 Brown, John, 677 Brown, John, 682 Brown, John S., 500 Brown, Margaret, 703 Brown, Millington, 698 Brown, Nancy, 657 Brown, Sherman, 674 Brown, William, 649 Brown, William, 717 Browning, Valenta, 572 Brroks, J.T., 672 Bruce, Jeremiah, 522 Brumfield, Marion, 663 Bruner, Jacob, 545 Bruner, John, 494 Bruner, John, 512 Bruster, James, 715 Bryan, H.N., 761 Bryant, Daniel, 750 Bryant, George, 751 Buch, William, 713 Buchanan, Lewis, 544 Buck, Homer, 656 Buck, Melvitus, 691 Buck, William, 742 Buck, William M., 656 Buck, William M., 663 Bucksimmons, Sarah, 623 Budd, Joshua, 600 Buehl, Henry H., 493 Buehung, Lewis, 587 Bullock, John, 575 Bunbro, Julia, 616 Bunbro, William, 602 Bunnington, L.F., 709 Burch, Mary, 604 Burget, James, 541 Burnham, M.A., 666 Burnison, William, 598 Burns, Dennis, 528 Burns, Orton W., 528 Burton, Mary, 714 Burton, Richard, 654 Busay, Elizabeth, 614 Butler, George, 552 Butler, Levi, 616 Butterworth, Anna, 677 Butterworth, John, 747 Byerly, Henry, 512 Byerly, Isaac, 553 Byerly, Mary, 569 Byerly, Samuel, 509 Byerly, Thomas, 678 Byrant, Thomas, 603 Byrant, Thomas, 709 Byres, Mary Jane, 605 Cackley, A.D., 572 Cackley, Charles, 573 Cadwell, William, 699 Caffery, James, 530 Cahill, D.L., 764 Cain, Charles, 679 Cain, J.B., 584 Cain, John, 677 Cain, John, 735 Cain, Nehemiah, 679 Callison, Abraham, 740 Callison, John, 739 Campbell, Brazilian, 588 Campbell, George W., 697 Campbell, Greenberry, 575 Campbell, Isreal, 588 Campbell, John N., 582 Campbell, Joseph, 757 Campbell, Lewis, 566 Campbell, Nancy, 589 Campbell, Nelson, 527 Campbell, Patten, 711 Campbell, Sophronia, 715 Campbell, William, 579 Campbell, William, 600 Campbell, William C., 581 Canada, Marvin, 643 Cannon, John C., 632 Cantral, Eli, 621 Cantral, J.E., 645 Cantral, John, 556 Cantral, John M., 644 Cantral, Levi, 648 Cantral, Robert, 646 Cantral, William, 640 Cantral, William J., 644 Cantral, Wyatt, 556 Cantral, Zebulon, 626 Carero, William, 719 Carigan, Thomas, 546 Carle, William B., 672 Carlock, George, 489 Carlock, Mary, 513 Carr, Clark, 535 Carr, Harriet, 584 Carr, Harry, 518 Carr, James, 665 Carr, John, 534 Carr, Leonard, 535 Carr, Mary, 674 Carter, William, 577 Cartral, William L., 549 Cary, Henry, 628 Cary, Lewis, 760 Casey, Elizabeth, 675 Cass, Warren J., 552 Caton, John, 654 Catrall, Joshua, 645 Catterline, William D., 587 Caussy, William, 597 Cavender, David H., 538 Cayce, Philip, 738 Chadinden, Jonas, 640 Chandler, Hiram, 539 Chapin, Abraham, 738 Chapin, S.A., 732 Chatham, Martin, 658 Chatham, Martin, 659 Chenney, Mary M., 626 Chenny, Danvers, 739 Chenny, Mary, 738 Chenny, Nancy, 737 Chenowith, Benjamin, 601 Chenowith, Gideon, 573 Chenowith, Sarah, 586 Chessen, Comfort, 610 Church, Albert, 518 Cisco, Amos, 629 Cisco, William, 653 Clagg, William, 561 Clagg, William, 562 Clappeton, Harriet, 587 Clark, A., 675 Clark, Andrew, 570 Clark, Daniel A., 674 Clark, Jane, 557 Clark, John, 731 Clark, John F., 559 Clark, Lake, 705 Clark, Mac, 646 Clark, Mary, 732 Clark, Moses, 660 Clark, Phil, 575 Clark, Stephen, 602 Clark, William T., 676 Claspy, Rebecca, 680 Clearwater, John W., 713 Clearwater, Nathan, 715 Clemens, John C., 508 Clemens, Missouri, 584 Clemens, Pharoh, 583 Clevenger, John, 757 Clifton, A.J., 523 Clifton, Elias B., 544 Clifton, George, 525 Clifton, Job, 525 Clifton, John, 517 Clifton, Thomas, 520 Clifton, Vashiti, 525 Clifton, William J., 524 Clifton, William Jr., 519 Cline, Martin, 604 Cline, William, 619 Clinton, D.D., 516 Clinton, John G., 518 Cloud, Daniel, 5115 Clyle, Peter, 495 Cobain, John, 606 Cobb, Stafford, 599 Cobean, William, 592 Cody, O.A., 6336 Coffman, Joseph, 670 Cogler, Madaline, 529 Cole, Abraham, 605 Cole, Elizabeth, 745 Cole, James, 728 Cole, John, 728 Cole, Richard, 647 Cole, Thomas, 744 Coleman, Amanda, 652 Collins, Catherine, 741 Collins, Daniel, 530 Collins, Elizabeth, 742 Collins, Peter, 741 Collins, William, 702 Coltrin, J.N., 585 Comstock, Charles, 601 Comstock, William, 600 Conboy, James, 675 Condell, J.K., 587 Conklin, Bridget, 611 Conklin, Ellen, 682 Conklin, John, 574 Conklin, Mary, 611 Conklin, William, 610 Conly, Timothy, 669 Conn, David, 496 Conn, James, 493 Connel, A., 732 Connel, James, 572 Conver, Simeon, 608 Converse, Henry, 603 Cook, Frank, 672 Cook, James, 643 Cook, Joseph, 682 Coon, William W., 656 Cooper, Nathan, 545 Cop, William J., 552 Cope, J.S., 560 Cope, L.H., 574 Copeland, Milton M., 673 Coppenbarger, Jacob, 554 Coppenbarger, Joab, 553 Coppenbarger, John, 553 Coppenbarger, Joseph, 554 Coppenbarger, Nancy, 553 Coppenbarger, Nancy, 555 Cordeu, John, 532 Corneilus, Lyn B., 603 Cornwell, B.W., 542 Cornwell, J.P., 522 Cornwell, Sarah B., 542 Cornwell, T.N., 523 Costello, John, 531 Costello, Thomas, 530 Cottingham, William, 750 Cotton, W.B., 646 Cougher, Malinda, 619 Cougher, Thomas, 618 Courtney, James, 621 Cousin, William, 580 Covey, Stephen, 709 Cowan, Horatio, 731 Coward, David, 610 Cowles, S., 744 Cox, Albena, 595 Cox, Daniel, 608 Cox, Elizabeth, 526 Cox, Gibson, 674 Cox, Gilbert, 548 Cox, James, 515 Cox, John, 516 Cox, John A., 643 Cox, Lucretia, 516 Cox, Martin, 657 Cox, William, 517 Cox, William, 663 Cox, William C., 548 Cox, William J., 515 Coy, H.M., 675 Cracken, Samuel W., 693 Craig, Allen, 555 Craig, Daniel, 495 Craig, Elisha, 496 Craig, James, 515 Crall, John, 630 Cramer, Obediah, 641 Cramer, Sarah A., 643 Crandal, Washington, 540 Crang, Daniel, 588 Crang, Richard, 567 Cranich, Jacob C., 494 Cranich, Thomas B., 500 Crawford, Bartly, 649 Crawford, Franklin, 618 Crawford, R.O., 707 Crawford, Sarah, 762 Crawford, Thomas, 731 Creamer, Thomas J., 491 Cree, Thomas, 643 Creek, Daniel, 540 Cresop, Euscribuis, 738 Croachran, George, 763 Croft, John, 663 Crop, Benjamin, 515 Crop, Delila, 559 Crop, George, 493 Crop, John, 511 Crop, Louisa Jane, 525 Crop, Solomon, 492 Crop, William, 522 Crosby, Henry, 586 Cross, William, 515 Crum, Daniel, 664 Crum, Isaac, 712 Crum, Sarah, 712 Crumm, Abraham, 503 Crumm, Hiram, 660 Crumm, John, 511 Crumm, Peter, 664 Crustin, Stephen, 678 Culbertson, E.C., 560 Culbertson, J.A., 629 Culvertson, Mary, 605 Cumberford, Amer L., 542 Cumming, H.M., 710 Cundiff, Amelia, 513 Cundiff, B. L., 513 Cundiff, Jane, 514 Cundiff, Malvina, 527 Cundiff, Sarah, 582 Cundiff, W., 587 Cundiff, William, 606 Cundiff, William, 753 Cundiff, William Jr., 753 Cunniff, Holloway, 583 Cunningham, Elizabeth, 654 Cunningham, Frances, 561 Cunningham, Franklin, 654 Cunningham, J.H., 672 Cunningham, J.M., 657 Cunningham, James, 639 Cuppy, John, 650 Curl, E.M., 597 Curl, Jeremiah, 497 Curtis, Anza, 520 Cushman, A.P., 648 Cushman, George F., 624 Custer, Jacob, 622 Dale, George, 761 Dale, Sarah, 650 Danels, Irvin, 644 Daner, Jonathan, 743 Danner, David, 715 Danner, Elanora, 714 Danver, Isaac, 708 Darsham, Samuel, 721 Davenport, Eber, 642 Davenport, George F., 528 Davenport, Hugh L., 756 Davenport, Isiah, 495 Davenport, John, 759 Davenport, Levi, 550 Davenport, Squire, 642 Davenport, Thomas, 516 David, Joshua, 528 Davidson, James, 601 Davis, Alex., 642 Davis, Christopher, 511 Davis, Hiram, 695 Davis, Jeremiah, 695 Davis, Joanna, 679 Davis, John, 692 Davis, Jonathan H., 678 Davis, Joseph, 557 Davis, Lucinda, 499 Davis, M.V.B., 567 Davis, Remus, 557 Davis, Smith, 698 Davis, Thomas, 556 Davis, Thomas, 673 Davis, Wenne, 529 Davis, William, 491 Davis, William C., 584 Davis, William H., 542 Davison, Artes, 729 Davison, Isaac, 729 Davison, Jeremiah, 729 Davison, Micheal, 729 Davison, Millard, 730 Davore, Elias, 634 Davy, Henry, 592 Dawson, Eliza, 740 Dawson, George, 603 Dawson, Stephen, 602 Day, Benjamin, 744 Day, E.O., 734 Day, George, 737 Day, H.F., 732 Day, James, 669 Day, John, 659 Day, John E., 500 Day, John E., 623 Day, John N., 570 Day, Martha E., 624 Day, Mary, 501 Day, Mary, 732 Day, Masia, 565 Day, Samuel Sr., 526 Dazell, Ada, 644 Deacon, Thressa, 520 Dean, G.W., 687 Debors, William, 763 Decker, James H., 676 Decker, Sylvester, 685 Dehart, Alex, 735 DeHaven, Isaac, 507 Deland, Edward, 604 Deland, James, 584 Delavou, John, 753 Delay, Coleman, 526 Delay, James, 582 Demerst, Lewis, 623 Demsey, Micheal, 561 Denett, Charles, 568 Dennis, Joseph, 586 Denton, Sarah, 579 Derby, John N., 549 DeSpain, James, 667 Deter, George, 490 Deverse, Edmund J., 497 Dew, Bertha, 738 Dickerson, T.S., 584 Dickerson, William, 697 Dickey, James, 647 Dickson, James, 725 Dilavou, John J., 536 Dill, Amos, 521 Dill, Mary A., 521 Dillavou, William N., 501 Dine, Robert, 524 Dispain, William, 761 Dixon, Martha, 559 Dockrin, Esther, 591 Docum, Mascul, 601 Dolley, George W., 692 Donaho, Catherine, 559 Donaho,Patrick, 531 Donahoe, Micheal, 659 Donelson, James M., 493 Donelson, John, 526 Donigan, Bridget, 674 Donigan, John, 675 Donner, George W., 713 Doran, Peter, 708 Doran, Thomas, 749 Dotson, Hiram, 511 Dottan, William, 702 Doty, Samuel, 542 Dougherty, George, 555 Downing, James, 668 Downing, Laura, 564 Doyle, John, 708 Doyle, Louisa, 616 Dragstrem, David, 640 Drake, Allen, 536 Driecack, Daniel, 571 Druker, Jonathan, 673 Drum, Philip, 533 Drury, Jame S., 632 Drury, John, 658 Drury, John E., 633 Drybread, William L., 709 Duddley, Rueben, 616 Dudley, T.W., 585 Dugan, Eliza, 726 Dugan, Ellen, 726 Dugan, James, 728 Dunam, John, 557 Duncan, James, 491 Duncan, John, 522 Duncan, Lewis, 596 Dungee, Charles, 665 Dungee, Charles, 665 Dungee, John, 682 Dunham, Jeremiah, 640 Dunlap, Luvilla, 764 Durbin, D.W., 705 Dutrel, Sarah, 677 Dye, A.M., 588 Dye, Nancy, 567 Dyer, William, 596 Eads, A., 613 Early, John, 556 Early, Nancy, 556 Early, Nancy, 566 East, Augustus, 565 East, Sarah, 649 East, William, 661 Eatherton, P.H., 576 Eaton, Samuel, 597 Eberman, Joseph, 639 Edmiston, T.K., 571 Edwards, Isaac, 499 Egan, John, 672 Egleston, John, 515 Elder, Noah, 763 Elderton, william, 508 Elfish, James, 759 Elkins, Ambrosia, 718 Ellarton, Samuel, 535 Ellington, David, 610 Ellington, David, 638 Ellington, Isaac, 620 Ellington, Micheal, 596 Ellis, Erial, 610 Ellis, James, 666 Ellis, Jonathan, 649 Elsworth, Meases, 696 Ely, Burton, 749 Ely, Lafayette, 496 Ely, Lucy, 555 Ely, Oliver, 595 Ely, Solomon, 610 Embry, Joseph, 753 Embry, Lewis, 541 Emery, Frank, 672 Emery, R., 679 Emery, Robert, 751 Ennis, Elassy, 737 Ennis, Martha, 747 Enos, Mary, 747 Erwin, Joseph, 704 Erwin, William, 704 Etherton, John, 662 Etherton, Jonathan, 663 Etherton, Sarah, 662 Evans, James M., 645 Evans, John A., 628 Evans, Thomas, 650 Evans, William R., 643 Ewing, Jacob, 561 Ewing, John, 609 Ewing, S.S., 583 Fairchild, Chancy, 552 Fairchild, L.D., 548 Falconer, Micheal, 603 Farlen, Barney, 542 Farmer, Ann, 682 Farmer, Chris., 701 Farnsworth, Benjamin, 723 Farris, Erba, 704 Fenimore, John J., 589 Fern. Charles E., 576 Ficklin, O.B., 745 Field, Robert, 677 Fields, John, 710 Fillows, Albert, 691 Fillows, John, 691 Finch, Calvin, 674 Finch, Edson, 673 Finkber, Abner, 584 Finmores, Calvin, 631 Finnel, Thomas, 607 Fisher, James, 610 Fisher, John, 610 Fisk, Julia Ann, 612 Fisk, William, 611 Fitzgareld, Daniel, 759 Fitzwater, Silas H., 507 Fleming, Isaac, 630 Fleming, William, 640 Fletcher, Franklin, 657 Fletcher, Melvin, 750 Fletcher, Uriah, 698 Fletcher, William, 700 Flind, Mary, 689 Flood, Elizabeth, 745 Flowers, Sarah F., 556 Foley, Green L., 745 Foley, John, 530 Foley, Nicholas, 751 Foops, James, 727 Forbes, George, 725 Forbes, James, 724 Ford, Alfred, 635 Ford, C.P., 591 Ford, James, 560 Ford, John, 634 Ford, Newton, 717 Ford, Peter, 515 Fornes, J., 721 Fosnot, John, 632 Foster, Andrew, 669 Foster, J.B., 561 Fowler, John, 673 Fox, Mary, 541 Fox, Sarah, 522 Fraly, Thomas, 731 Frambers, Joseph, 561 Frances, Jacob, 633 Franklin, Jacob, 636 Frazier, John Q., 512 Frazier, Mary, 513 French, Narvena, 500 French, Samuel, 513 French, Squire C., 622 Frisby, Charles L., 632 Frisby, James, 635 Frisby, Thomas, 635 Frost, Elizabeth, 672 Frost, Isaac, 659 Frost, Martha, 660 Fruit, Edmund W., 546 Fruit, Enoch, 541 Fruit, Thomas, 548 Fruit, William, 547 Frundt, John, 712 Fucy, Gregory, 675 Fuller, David, 689 Fuller, John, 693 Fuller, Smith, 598 Fuller, William, 688 Funk, Cyrus, 563 Funk, Henry, 706 Furgeson, Albert, 730 Furness, Joel, 700 G.B. Smith, 648 Gaddis, John, 550 Gaddis, William A., 550 Gahagan, Andrew, 620 Gambrel, James, 618 Gambrel, Rachel, 556 Gambrel, T.P., 630 Gandy, Isaac, 612 Gandy, Marion, 649 Gandy, Robert, 547 Gandy, Shepherd, 543 Gano, Geroge B., 507 Gano, J.C., 754 Gano, John, 736 Gardner, B.F., 645 Gardner, John, 563 Gardner, John W., 585 Gardner, Joseph, 684 Gardner, Nancy, 567 Gardner, Parker, 684 Gardner, Thomas, 543 Gardner, Thomas, 585 Gardner, thomas, 709 Gardner, William H., 616 Garrahart, Charles, 553 Garret, Ely, 519 Garret, Franklin, 547 Garret, George, 524 Garret, Henry, 547 Garret, John, 552 Garret, Joseph, 521 Garret, Joseph, 618 Garret, Marcus, 545 Garret, Martin, 722 Garret, Peter, 522 Gartin, Phebe, 562 Garton, John, 527 Garton, Martha, 559 Gary, Mary E., 581 Gatchel, Henry, 578 Gatchel, Martha, 579 Gates, Jesse S., 671 Gay, John, 519 Gay, Sidney W., 518 Geer, Elias, 684 Geer, John, 557 Geer, John J., 680 Geer, Joseph, 683 Geer, William E., 557 George, Mary J., 543 Gephart, William, 547 Gesford, James, 703 Gessy, Caroline, 519 Getsford, William, 701 Gibson, James, 612 Giddeon, George, 520 Giddings, Edward, 607 Giddings, Milton, 607 Gideon, George W., 581 Gideon, Nath., 601 Gideon, Sheldy, 582 Gilbrith, John G., 508 Gillen, James, 509 Gillogy, Ezra, 639 Gilson, George C., 660 Glenn, Daniel, 526 Glenn, James, 537 Glenn, Samuel P., 650 Glenn, William, 533 Glenn, Wilson, 540 Glick, Amos, 601 Goble, Emily, 639 Goble, Isaac, 638 Goddian, Charles, 730 Godfrey, John, 499 Goldberry, Thomas 688 Goldsmith, Joseph, 565 Goodbrake, Chris., 565 Goodin, Hiram, 725 Goodrich, Amy, 627 Goodrich, Carmi, 650 Goodrich, Joel P., 627 Goodrich, Robert P., 626 Gorden, Lewis, 654 Gordy, S.A., 676 Gorger, C.K., 585 Gossand, William, 632 Gossard, E.J., 672 Gossard, Emy, 673 Grabble, David, 707 Grabble, Joseph, 707 Grady, Joseph R., 510 Graham, A.J., 715 Graham, James, 627 Graham, John, 637 Graham, Jonathan, 627 Graham, Joseph, 630 Graham, Samuel, 501 Graham, Samuel, 627 Graham, Thomas, 640 Granger, John, 764 Grant, William H., 579 Granwood, Ellen, 710 Graves, Andrew, 688 Graves, Samuel, 510 Gray, Charles Y., 523 Gray, Hiram, 747 Green, Henry S., 559 Green, Isiah M., 578 Green, James, 751 Green, Timothy, 670 Greenwood, John, 726 Greenwood, Thomas, 723 Greenwood, William, 725 Greer, William, 526 Gregory, Emeline, 503 Gregory, Leroy, 653 Grenber, C.C., 737 Griffin, Elias, 542 Griffin, Mary, 542 Grindle, Fred, 663 Griner, James, 627 Griner, Rebecca, 628 Grissom, James, 509 Grogan, Robert, 603 Groom, John, 593 Groves, A.J., 680 Groves, Charles, 626 Groves, Cyruno, 616 Groves, David, 626 Groves, J.P., 562 Groves, Thomas, 616 Groves, Thomas, 619 Grun, Job, 656 Gullet, Jesse, 511 Gullet, Mary, 506 Gunner, George W., 615 Guy, Samuel K., 497 Habberfield, William, 526 Hackley, Jane, 604 Haggard, Daniel, 738 Haines, O.P., 577 Haldeman, J.B., 591 Hall, Benjamin, 556 Hall, Darius, 575 Hall, H.P., 623 Hall, Jonathan R., 613 Hall, Richard, 522 Hall, Samuel, 756 Hall, Sarah, 614 Hall, Sarah, 748 Hall, Thomas D., 622 Hall, Usah, 557 Hall, wesley, 618 Halsey, Adam S., 697 Halsey, Eli, 654 Halsey, Elizabeth, 659 Halsey, Sarah, 664 Hamer, John, 503 Hammet, James W., 633 Hammet, John, 681 Hammet, Martha, 633 Hammet, Samuel, 633 Hammond, John, 589 Hammond, John F., 569 Hampleman, D.H., 601 Hampton, Elizabeth, 589 Hand, Barbary, 700 Hand, George, 536 Hand, J.S., 567 Hand, Nathan D., 499 Hand, Phil, 700 Hand, Silas, 506 Hanel, John, 562 Hanger, George, 728 Hanger, John, 729 Hangerford, Daniel, 662 Hankines, Newton, 736 Hanson, Mary E., 625 Harberry, William, 717 Harden, Sarah, 703 Harp, Alex, 764 Harp, Ann, 757 Harp, Catherine, 762 Harp, Delp, 761 Harp, James, 762 Harp, Jasper, 760 Harp, Maison, 761 Harp, Sampson, 763 Harp, Sarah A., 527 Harp, Thomas, 603 Harp, Thomas, 607 Harp, William, 756 Harper, Adam, 688 Harrel, S.K., 564 Harrington, Daniel, 736 Harris, Andrew, 713 Harris, Charles, 536 Harris, Cordelia, 588 Harris, Drusilla, 490 Harris, Elijah, 620 Harris, Hiram, 647 Harris, Nathan, 642 Harrison, Adeline, 620 Harrison, James, 729 Harrison, Martin, 616 Harrison, William, 568 Harrold, Alf., 753 Harrold, Andrew, 662 Harrold, Eli, 660 Harrold, Eli, 754 Harrold, Elycum, 740 Harrold, Isham, 661 Harrold, James M., 655 Harrold, Mitchel, 661 Harrold, Oliver, 753 Harrold, Sophronia, 661 Harrold, William, 746 Harrold, William, 752 Harrold, William Jr., 752 Hart, John, 634 Hart, Julia, 526 Hartman, James, 639 Hartman, Joseph, 639 Harvey, Benjamin, 664 Harvey, Cyrus, 663 Harvey, John, 564 Harvey, John, 658 Harvey, Stephen, 606 Haskett, Isaac, 533 Hatting, Thomas, 637 Havens, Richard, 614 Havins, Joel, 641 Haynie, Amos, 689 Haynie, Edwin, 567 Haynie, Lucy, 548 Haynie, Wilbur, 548 Haynie, William, 590 Hays, Benjamin, 736 Hays, Elizabeth, 520 Hays, John, 635 Hays, Thomas, 554 Haywood, Marion, 703 Haywood, Thomas, 691 Hazlett, Joseph, 675 Heath, Alonzo, 539 Hedges, Isaac, 555 Hegarice, J.J., 563 Helmic, Elihu, 692 Helmic, Magdeline, 513 Helmic, Mary, 569 Helmic, Nathaniel, 687 Henderson, John W., 546 Henderson, Lorenzo D., 551 Hendric, John, 562 Hendric, Mary, 563 Hendric, moses, 602 Henry, William, 609 Henry, William, 671 Henson, Henry, 546 Henson, John, 579 Heskett, Joseph, 536 Hetzel, O., 565 Hibbard, J.K., 494 Hibben, William P., 698 Hickey, Mathais, 602 Hickle, Ann, 602 Hickle, Reason, 655 Hickle, Shep, 656 Hickman, Elizabeth, 595 Hickman, Hutson, 657 Hickman, John, 563 Hickman, L.B., 581 Hickman, William, 589 Hicot, Calius, 709 Hider, William H., 520 Highdecker, Theophilus, 703 Hildreth, J.R., 612 Hildreth, Malon, 568 Hildreth, McCarty, 567 Hill, Andrew, 701 Hill, Erma, 567 Hill, Esther, 530 Hill, George L., 529 Hill, J.H., 589 Hill, James, 555 Hill, John B., 526 Hill, Louis S., 510 Hill, Thomas, 525 Hill, William, 733 Hill, William C., 561 Hindull, W., 572 Hinkle, Abraham, 496 Hinkle, George, 755 Hinley, Jeremiah, 719 Hinley, John, 719 Hissy, Henry, 696 Hite, James, 758 Hodges, Fletcher, 550 Hodges, Leir, 502 Hoff, Joshua, 510 Hoffer, Elizabeth, 515 Hoffman, Corneilus, 689 Hoffman, Morgan J., 626 Hogle, Peter, 577 Hold, James, 625 Holiacan, Sylvester, 583 Holliway, J.D., 714 Holt, Isaac, 693 Holt, John, 509 Homer, Joseph, 749 Homer, William, 605 Homes, Milo, 735 Hooks, Willoughby, 694 Hoover, Mary, 718 Hoover, Micheal, 724 Hopkins, John, 650 Hopkins, Mariam, 508 Hopkins, William, 507 Hopper, Alice, 529 Hopper, Harriet, 647 Hopper, James, 519 Hopper, Jesse, 528 Hormell, Ada, 749 Horn, James N., 634 Horn, Valentine, 633 Hossinger, Jesse J. S., 493 Hossinger, Nancy H., 491 Hostler, Barbary, 606 Hough, John, 549 Hough, Samuel P., 617 Houghy, Catherine D., 626 Houser, David G., 628 Houser, Frank, 644 Houser, J.E., 608 Houser, J.P., 628 Houser, John M., 643 Houston, James, 529 Houston, John, 717 Hovey, James, 564 Hovey, Lorinzo, 563 Hovey, Matilda, 564 Howard, Ann, 648 Howard, Benjamin, 548 Howard, Ebenezer, 549 Howard, Joseph, 548 Howard, Peter, 548 Howard, William, 509 Howell, Leonida, 527 Hoyt, Orin, 602 Hubbard, Andrew, 710 Hubbel, John, 683 Hubbell, E.R., 680 Hubbell, Luther, 682 Huddleson, Henry, 711 Huddleson, Shelby, 711 Huddleston, John, 742 Huddleston, William, 743 Hudleton, C.H., 712 Hudson, Elijah, 752 Hudson, Howard, 732 Hudson, John, 702 Hudson, Ruth, 753 Hudson, William T., 680 Huff, E.C., 524 Huff, James, 524 Huffman, Charles S., 490 Huffman,Daniel, 696 Huffman, Frank P., 698 Hughenbaugh, George, 582 Hughes, Sarah, 577 Hughes, William, 519 Hulbert, J.H., 590 Hull, A.P., 613 Hull, Adelaide, 591 Hull, Benjamin, 609 Hull, Elijah, 620 Hull, James, 556 Hull, Juliet, 620 Hull, Kirley, 613 Hull, Levi, 620 Hull, Mary, 611 Hull, Richard, 556 Hull, Thomas, 619 Hull, William, 578 Hull, William, 590 Hume, Anna, 665 Hume, George, 664 Humphreys, William J., 579 Humphries, George E., 551 Humphries, Harriet, 553 Humphries, J.C., 616 Humphries, J.W., 580 Humphries, John, 614 Humphries, Joseph, 564 Humphries, William C., 552 Humphries, Zebulon, 614 Hunt, Hamilton, 603 Hunt, Harriet, 603 Hunter, Nels F., 586 Hunting, C.B., 526 Huntley, Ezra S., 538 Hurly, David, 718 Hurly, Timothy, 724 Hurst, Edward, 702 Hutchin, John D., 549 Hutchins, Charles E., 553 Hutchinson, James, 729 Hutchinson, John, 671 Hutchinson, Mary, 672 Hutchinson, Thomas S., 573 Hy's, Latham, 678 Ingram, S., 642 Irwin, Thomas, 616 Iverson, Harvey, 603 Ives, Avery, 681 Jackosn, Sarah, 756 Jackson, Alex, 762 Jackson, Catherine, 524 Jackson, David, 509 Jackson, Dispain, 763 Jackson, Joshua, 755 Jackson, Lewis, 756 Jackson, William, 636 Jackson, William, 760 James, William, 523 Jefferson, Rueben, 634 Jefford, Augustus, 490 Jeffrey, Aureluis, 649 Jeffrey, Francis, 649 Jeffrey, Mary, 650 Jeffrey, William, 649 Jenkins, A., 681 Jenkins, Cassandra, 610 Jenkins, James, 609 Jenkins, James, 718 Jenkins, Lucinda, 624 Jenkins, William, 660 Jennings, Emily, 640 Jennings, William, 569 Jepson, Elizabeth, 599 Jepson, John, 602 Jepson, Joseph, 598 Jewel, John, 562 John Groves, 626 Johns, Julia, 492 Johnson, Abraham, 686 Johnson, Alex., 622 Johnson, Ann, 636 Johnson, Bailey, 499 Johnson, Bettie, 572 Johnson, Charles, 562 Johnson, David, 663 Johnson, Drucilla, 503 Johnson, Easton, 573 Johnson, Elizabeth, 694 Johnson, Elvis, 705 Johnson, Francis, 671 Johnson, H.W., 502 Johnson, Henry, 519 Johnson, Henry, 635 Johnson, Henry, 723 Johnson, Jacob, 636 Johnson, John, 549 Johnson, John, 638 Johnson, John, 679 Johnson, Kenneth, 706 Johnson, Margaret, 6446 Johnson, Mathias, 717 Johnson, Pheobe, 684 Johnson, Rhoda, 750 Johnson, Samuel, 572 Johnson, Samuel, 686 Johnson, Samuel, 714 Johnson, Thomas, 725 Johnson, Warren, 559 Jolly, John, 607 Jones, Abraham, 525 Jones, Allen, 569 Jones, Arthur B., 733 Jones, B.F., 560 Jones, Clementine, 602 Jones, Cyrus, 564 Jones, D.C., 574 Jones, Ellen M., 673 Jones, George, 765 Jones, Hannah, 575 Jones, Isaac, 657 Jones, J.W., 602 Jones, James S., 615 Jones, John, 617 Jones, John, 717 Jones, John A., 566 Jones, John J., 525 Jones, Julia, 571 Jones, Lucinda, 613 Jones, Mary E., 698 Jones, Preston, 717 Jones, Rachel, 639 Jones, Thomas C., 527 Jones, V.A., 760 Jones, Wiley B., 542 Jones, William H., 612 Jones, Z.B., 620 Jordan, James, 637 Judd, Ezekial, 697 Judd, Milton, 736 Kackner, Catherine, 680 Kalin, Micheal, 652 Karley, Patrick, 679 Karr, John W., 671 Karr, Joseph, 668 Karr, Mary E., 657 Karr, Nancy, 667 Karr, Nancy, 672 Karr, William, 666 Keever, John, 749 Keffer, Mary, 671 Keith, James, 672 Keller, Susannah, 696 Kellog, W.W., 604 Kelly, Alex, 507 Kelly, Corneilus, 517 Kelly, Jeremiah, 748 Kelly, Joseph, 734 Kelly, Thomas, 492 Kendall, Ephraim, 712 Kendall, Margaret, 713 Kenney, John, 550 Kennison, William, 760 Kenny, William, 613 Kent, Debos, 526 Kent, Jane, 759 Kerr, John, 677 Kerr, Mary Jane, 539 Kerr, Nancy, 499 Kerr, Sarah J., 690 Kerr, Walter, 666 Kessaker, Susan, 570 Ketterman, Micheal, 693 Ketterman, Susannah, 694 Kidder, Harry, 498 Kidder, Sheldy, 582 Kinder, Thomas, 584 King, Elizabeth, 644 King, Joel E., 577 King, John, 643 King, Sarah, 699 King, William, 678 Kingore, Richard, 561 Kinley, Dennis, 715 Kinney, Ann, 572 Kinney, James, 549 Kinney, John, 650 Kinney, John J., 659 Kirby, Benjamin, 625 Kirby, Elizabeth, 699 Kirby, James A., 553 Kirby, Richard, 699 Kirk, O.L., 592 Kirkpatrick, J.S., 763 Kirtland, Barbary, 600 Kmobb, John, 689 Kneedler, George W., 569 Knight, David, 699 Knight, L.D., 712 Knight, R.K., 714 Knobbs, William, 742 Koons, Addison, 597 Koons, Kenny, 598 Kranich, Jacob, 506 Krons, John, 724 Kurt, Emmet, 587 Kylee, William, 668 Lafetra, Benjamin, 749 Lafetra, George, 749 Lafferty, William H., 694 Laines, Charles, 706 Lakin, Oliver, 575 Lamb, William, 683 Lane, Albert, 571 Lane, Arthur, 748 Lane, Asher, 505 Lane, Elsie, 652 Lane, Harrison, 637 Lane, Jeremiah, 499 Lane, Jesse, 541 Lane, John, 498 Lane, Madison, 499 Lane, Milton, 506 Lane, Morgan, 499 Lane, Rodney, 505 Lane, Sarah, 495 Lane, Sarah, 635 Lane, Tillman, 506 Lane, William, 494 Lane, William, 565 Lane, William H., 542 Lanham, Curtis, 615 Lanson, Samuel H., 633 Lanteman, Peter, 621 Lappin, James, 686 Lappin, William, 686 Lash, Anna, 758 Lattina, Alex, 546 Lawrence, Edward, 641 Leary, Pat, 659 Leary, Patrick, 670 Leddin, James M., 542 Leeds, John M., 576 Lehy, Timothy, 515 Leigh, A.E., 635 Leigh, James, 651 Leightner, Philip, 627 Leister, Alf, 747 Leisure, G.B., 733 Lemen, James, 721 Lemon, George B., 751 Lemon, George W., 752 Lemon, James A., 581]Crawford, James, 581 Lemon, John R., 752 Leonard, Joseph, 617 Leper, C.C., 619 Leper, Charles, 655 Leper, Erma, 619 Leper, Houston, 655 Lepper, James, 700 Levors, Sarah, 683 Lewis, B., 735 Lewis, B.S., 734 Lewis, George, 684 Lewis, Henry, 718 Lewis, Jeremiah, 492 Lewis, John, 491 Lewis, Mary W., 568 Lewis, Robert, 584 Lewis, Sanford, 684 Lewis, Solom F., 560 Lewis, Thomas, 706 Ligget, Elizabeth, 654 Lighthall, James H., 660 Lillard, Benjamin, 572 Lingle, Josiah, 522 Lintner, James B., 585 Linvent, John, 496 Lisenby, B.G., 503 Lisenby, Charles S., 502 Lisenby, Ezekial, 505 Lisenby, James, 564 Lisenby, Livincy, 504 Lisk, John H., 639 Little, James, 659 Litzenberger, George, 576 Litzenberger, Henry, 575 Litzenberger, William, 614 Livingston, Alvin C., 646 Livingston, George, 687 Livingston, Thomas, 695 Livingston, William, 694 Lock, Benjamin, 572 Lockwood, Charles L., 653 Loer, Thomas, 659 Long, Charles M., 741 Long, Jacob, 593 Long, Nelson, 521 Long, William, 539 Longberry, Sarah, 719 Longbrake, Martha, 644 Longbrake, Zachariah, 643 Longfellow, Harrison, 617 Lookinville, Baitty, 765 Loueren, Josephues, 511 Lowry, David, 708 Lowry, Elizabeth, 706 Lowry, Elizabeth, 708 Lowry, Isabel, 568 Lucker, Henry, 686 Luckibill, Z., 754 Ludington, Thomas, 730 Lum, Richard, 665 Luney, William F., 515 Luskbuy, Dorothea, 686 Lutrell, Josiah, 522 Lyons, James, 592 Macon, John, 562 Macy, Lewis, 548 Madden, America, 578 Madden, Hiram, 673 Madden, Zephr H., 577 Maddox, Thomas M., 617 Madigan, John, 658 Magill, Hattie E., 567 Magill, Robert, 566 Magill, Samuel, 566 Magill, William, 765 Mahoney, James, 718 Malay, David, 536 Malone, Baltus, 502 Malone, David, 502 Malone, Minna, 501 Maloney, John, 570 Maloney, Patrick, 532 Maloney, Thomas, 569 Maltby, Joshua, 753 Mangrum, Loulda, 617 Mangrum, Spear S., 616 Manigan, Joseph, 672 Manlove, John N., 539 Maple, Benjamin, 727 Markland, William, 682 Markle, Jeremiah, 498 Marks, Stacy, 646 Marr, James, 512 Marsh, James, 755 Marsh, John, 728 Marsh, Joseph, 721 Marshall, John, 631 Martin, Alex, 532 Martin, Alice, 677 Martin, Benjamin, 594 Martin, James, 497 Martin, Samuel, 671 Martin, Tillman, 505 Marvel, James, 618 Marvel, James, 618 Marvel, James, 630 Marvel, Mariah, 631 Marvel, Prettyman, 615 Marvel, Wiley, 620 Marvel, Wiley, 630 Mason, John, 605 Masten, Elizabeth, 496 Masten, Hiram, 505 Masten, James, 500 Masten, Mary, 497 Mastin, Benjamin F., 497 Masy, Oliver, 547 Mathias, Henry, 494 Mathias, Jacob C., 495 Matin, J., 566 Matlock, James, 691 Matthews, Emehiu, 758 Matthews, Henry, 625 Matthews, James H., 625 Maulson, Joseph, 596 Maulson, Lydia, 576 Maxwell, John, 651 May, David, 677 Mayall, James, 490 Mayall, Samuel, 489 Mayall, Venus, 491 Mayhall, Henrietta, 511 Mayhall, Robert, 511 McAboy, James, 514 McAckren, Samuel, 513 McBoy, Thomas, 500 McBrow, Carvhio, 545 McCan, Martin, 515 McCelland, George, 684 McCelland, Mary, 610 McClery, Thomas, 706 McClimans, David, 616 McClimans, Margaret, 549 McClimans, William, 611 McClure, Leah, 615 McClure, William, 629 McConkey, 741 McConkey, Alex, 737 McConkey, Archibald, 726 McCorcle, G.W., 578 McCord, Ezra, 697 McCord, Hannah, 698 McCord, James, 753 McCord, John W., 698 McCord, L.B., 699 McCord, Nancy, 743 McCord, Sarah, 709 McCord, William, 699 McCoslin, Sarah, 696 McCoslin, William, 574 McCuddy, Charles, 538 McCuddy, Isaac, 748 McCue, James, 682 McCue, Micheal, 515 McCullough, James, 730 McCullough, Mary, 731 McCully, Robert, 697 McDeed, Carinda, 502 McDeed, James, 498 McDonald, John, 600 McDonald, Thomas, 704 McDonald, Wesly, 707 McEhany, Benton, 635 McElheny, Mary, 562 McEntire, Stewart, 611 McFarlen, Josiah, 560 McFee, Asbury, 650 McGee, James, 530 McGee, Mary, 662 McGowan, Amanda, 573 McGowan, Elizabeth, 577 McGowan, Philip, 571 McGowan, Samuel, 576 McGraw, John J., 588 McGraw, L.S., 594 McGriddy, Enoch, 621 McHenry, R.P., 609 McHugh, John, 708 McIrvin, William, 600 McKinley, Charles, 765 McKinley, James, 703 McKinley, John, 764 McKinley, Joseph, 703 McKinley, Robert, 755 McKinley, Susan, 709 McKinney, Arch, 516 McKinney, Archibald, 509 McKinney, Enoch, 534 McKinney, Samuel, 517 McKinney, Uriah, 527 McLane, T., 705 McLaufflin, Mary, 560 McLean, Henry S., 653 McMillen, Eliza, 727 McMillen, Henry, 726 McMillen, John, 602 McMurray, William, 603 McMurray, William C., 705 McMurry, Alf., 625 McNeer, Ely, 501 McNeir, Amos, 535 McPherson, A.C., 701 McPherson, Elizabeth, 594 McVey, Ezra, 516 McWilliams, Elizabeth, 646 Meckllin, Fred, 692 Meliza, Adam, 716 Melvin, Charles, 733 Menser, James, 556 Menser, Micheal, 535 Mentzer, George, 538 Merrel, J.H., 592 Merriman, H.H., 578 Messer, William, 492 Metz, John D., 676 Metzbecker, J.P.F., 641 Metzer, William, 644 Metzler, Philip H., 499 Mewhiney, William, 664 Micheal, Mary, 638 Miles, P.B., 640 Millard, Robert, 600 Miller, A.R., 496 Miller, Benjamin, 490 Miller, Benjamin F., 641 Miller, Ebenezer, 761 Miller, George, 639 Miller, George, 735 Miller, Jacob, 494 Miller, Jacob, 544 Miller, John, 489 Miller, John, 736 Miller, John H., 544 Miller, Martillus, 622 Miller, Mary, 736 Miller, Nancy, 504 Miller, Nathan, 494 Miller, Revenna, 622 Miller, Samuel, 599 Miller, Tyree, 662 Miller, William, 509 Miller, William, 567 Miller, William C., 622 Miller, Wilson, 562 Mills, Artemesia, 557 Mills, Bently, 614 Mills, George, 604 Mills, John H., 624 Mills, Juliet, 586 Mills, Pascal, 596 Mills, Paschal H., 595 Mills, Thomas J., 609 Milton, John, 678 Ming, Charles, 614 Minich, Austin, 710 Minich, Edora, 715 Minninger, Samuel, 732 Minturn, Ann, 589 Minturn, Smith, 592 Miseldon, Joseph, 551 Miskelly, Seward, 748 Mitchel, B.L., 513 Mitchel, Electal, 514 Mitchel, Frances L., 526 Mitchel, William T., 508 Mitchell, Frances L., 491 Mitchell, George W., 550 Mitchell, Hester, 760 Mitchell, James D., 491 Mitchell, John, 580 Mitchell, John P., 559 Mobly, William F., 642 Moinett, Hilary, 700 Moinett, Isaac, 699 Moldin, George, 604 Moline, Sarah, 716 Monroe, Alvin, 726 Monroe, Mrs., 559 Mons, Joel, 724 Monson, H.P., 514 Montgomery, Angeline, 635 Montgomery, J., 568 Montgomery, J., 569 Montgomery, John W., 615 Montgomery, Joseph, 520 Montgomery, Lydia, 657 Moody, John A., 678 Mooney, George, 762 Moore, Alice, 748 Moore, Ann, 554 Moore, Blish, 531 Moore, C.H., 559 Moore, Elizabeth, 563 Moore, Franklin, 599 Moore, John B., 542 Moore, Joseph, 563 Moore, Joseph A., 716 Moore, Margaret, 599 Moore, Mary, 717 Moore, Milan, 531 Moore, Nicholas, 683 Moore, Rosilla, 725 Moore, Solomon, 746 Moore, William, 566 Moore, William B., 580 Moore, William H., 581 Moore, William M., 507 Moran, John W., 696 Morely, James, 710 Morford, Frederic, 632 Morford, Frederic, 634 Morford, John, 631 Morford, Wesley, 632 Morgan, F.E., 565 Morgan, George W., 713 Morgan, Stephen, 713 Morlan, J.G., 565 Morland, John G., 592 Morley, Charles, 561 Morley, William, 562 Morrel, James K., 621 Morrel, John W., 621 Morris, Edward, 647 Morris, F.P., 575 Morris, J., 575 Morris, Joseph, 621 Morris, William, 635 Morrison, H.H., 615 Morrison, Henry B., 671 Morrison, Isaac, 605 Morrison, John, 738 Morrison, Simeon, 736 Morrow, Andrew, 611 Morrow, Francis, 624 Morrow, John, 526 Morrow, L.P., 511 Morrow, William, 622 Morse, Isaac C., 625 Morse, Phebe, 710 Morse, Susan, 626 Moses, John, 514 Moyer, Andrew, 498 Mulholand, Mary, 644 Mulkey, John, 661 Mulkey, Nancy, 503 Mulkey, Philip, 506 Mulkey, Samuel, 503 Mulkey, Samuel, 532 Munion, A.E., 552 Munson, B.W., 609 Murphy, A.H., 658 Murphy, Hiram. 703 Murphy, J.J., 506 Murphy, John, 673 Murphy, Joseph, 507 Murphy, Loucinda, 495 Murphy, Peter, 489 Murphy, William, 702 Murphy, Wilson, 696 Murry, Elizabeth, 610 Myres, Emmanuel, 540 Myres, Samuel, 735 Nagley, Harm, 571 Nagley, Robert, 607 Nall, William, 623 Nalley, David, 758 Natty, John, 603 Neal, Amos, 710 Neal, Chris, 556 Neal, G.N., 565 Neal, Sarah, 706 Neal, Stephen, 614 Neal, Stephen, 615 Neal, William, 555 Neff, Martin F., 633 Nelson, Joseph, 665 Nelson, Lewis, 606 Nelson, Robert, 664 Nesbitt, Rachel, 512 Newberry, Benjamin, 724 Newberry, Charles, 629 Newberry, Miles, 719 Newberry, William, 719 Newel, Thomas W., 645 Newell, George, 605 Newgent, Edward, 666 Newland, Hiram, 646 Nice, Erastus, 545 Nicholas, John, 687 Nichols, Amos, 636 Nichols, Francis, 517 Nixon, George, 532 Nixon, John, 731 Nixon, Morris, 532 Nixon, Thomas, 536 Nixon, William, 731 Norman, Sarah, 599 Norris, Andrew, 707 Norris, William, 723 North, Hiram, 746 North, J.M., 567 North, James, 695 North, John, 694 North, Louisa, 737 North, Thomas, 694 North, William H., 746 Nowlin, Nathaniel, 751 Null, George, 532 Ragan, Elizabeth, 651 ROakerson, Milton, 564 O'Brien, John, 515 O'Brien, Patrick, 759 Ogborn, Mary, 587 Ogborn, Rueben, 586 Ogden, Charles, 649 Ogden, William, 648 Ogden, William S., 686 Ogdin, David, 639 Ogerty, Henry, 695 O'Lmer. William, 745 O'Neil, John, 610 Onstott, Abraham, 649 Orahood, Enoch, 570 Orahood, William, 571 Orange, Catherine, 741 Orifitt, Byard, 757 Ormene, William, 690 Ormsby, Charles, 646 Ormsby, T.A., 674 Orr, John L., 555 Orr, Robert, 601 Osborn, John, 521 Osborn, John, 544 Otis, John, 531 Overby, Thomas, 534 Owen, Julia, 630 Owens, James R., 524 Owens, Presley, 598 Owens, Riley V., 594 Pace, Robert, 538 Packard, James, 601 Packett, William, 729 Page, Ann, 701 Page, Edward, 712 Page, Ephraim, 712 Page, Mary, 702 Page, Spencer, 743 Page, Timothy, 698 Page, William, 752 Page Alf., 700 Paine, B.F., 765 Palmer, E.H., 565 Palmer, Florence A., 659 Palmer, George, 700 Palmer, Uriah, 659 Parker, A.H., 735 Parker, Abraham, 520 Parker, John, 501 Parker, John, 524 Parker, John, 535 Parker, Nathan, 737 Parker, Rebecca, 733 Parker, Sarah, 744 Parker, Thomas, 585 Parker, William, 729 Parker, William, 749 Parks, B.G., 737 Parks, William, 645 Parrot, John, 718 Patterson, John, 504 Payne, Catherine, 702 Payne, George B., 762 Payne, John, 741 Pearce, James, 540 Pearson, Jonathan, 692 Pedicord, Caleb, 583 Pedicord, Frances, 590 Pedicord, William, 565 Peed, George, 500 Peed, John, 499 Peek, Edwin, 748 Peek, Mary, 749 Pendleton, Elizabeth, 567 Pendleton, Elizabeth, 605 Pendleton, George, 577 Pennington, D.C., 505 Percy, Sylvanus, 561 Perkins, George W., 650 Perry, Mark, 513 Peters, A.M., 529 Peterson, Levi, 583 Pettibone, Elihu, 608 Pettibone, James, 655 Petticord, Caleb, 576 Pettit, Jonas, 529 Phares, A.K., 567 Phares, John A., 514 Phares, Juliette, 594 Phares, Robert, 589 Phares, Samuel, 593 Phares, William, 508 Philips, Charlotte, 526 Philips, Emily, 759 Philips, George W., 586 Philips, James, 556 Philips, James, 747 Philips, William, 603 Piatt, Benjamin, 752 Piatt, John, 618 Piatt, Mordecia, 753 Pickett, William, 764 Pierce, J.W., 560 Pierce, William, 759 Piles, Samuel, 641 Piles, William, 641 Piver, Martha, 684 Plumer, Alheus, 497 Plumer, N.H., 591 Poff, Henry, 707 Poff, John, 707 Polen, samuel, 495 Pollock, John, 625 Pollock, John T., 591 Pollock, Joseph, 624 Pomfret, Joseph W., 673 Pool, Patrick, 742 Pool, Sally, 742 Pool, Sarah E., 530 Porter, Edward, 623 Porter, Eliza, 623 Porter, Isaac R., 743 Porter, James M., 743 Porter, John, 743 Porter, Josiah, 620 Porter, Samuel, 652 Porter, Tobias, 744 Post, Ann, 639 Potter, Oliver, 518 Potts, George W., 545 Power, John, 671 Powers, William H., 730 Price, Mary, 688 Price, Thomas, 506 Prickett, Fleming, 517 Prickett, Marion, 543 Priest, Henry, 538 Prior, J.M., 575 Profitt, Richard, 694 Proud, William, 593 Prouty, Daniel, 538 Provin, Clark, 760 Provin, Dewitt, 760 Provin, George, 762 Provin, Joel, 759 Provin, Samuel C., 556 Provin, Vienna, 755 Provin, Wesley, 754 Purviance, Thomas, 537 Query, George, 521 Quig, Ellen, 560 Ragan, James, 719 Raines, Parthena, 692 Raines, Philip, 693 Ralls, James, 762 Randal, H., 672 Randel, William, 580 Randolph, John H., 554 Randolph, Laura J., 555 Rankin, William, 631 Rankins, Joshua, 621 Rasbach, James, 587 Rasbach, Roselle, 593 Rasbach, Theodore, 592 Ratcliff, Daniel, 548 Rathburn, Levi, 705 Ray, J.L., 691 Ray, Nancy, 692 Ray, Thomas, 675 Rayburn. E., 702 Razey, Nathan, 600 Real, Wilson, 631 Ream, Adam, 741 Ream, James R., 648 Ream, Samuel, 692 Reco, Aaron, 662 Redd, Miles, 507 Redyford, Robert, 753 Reed, Squire, 544 Reel, John W., 620 Reeser, Catherine, 722 Reever, Eli, 576 Reever, Joel, 576 Reeves, Daniel, 634 Reeves, Jesse H., 676 Regan, George, 536 Reid, James N., 508 Rever, Elvis, 566 Reynolds, Ramsey, 674 Rhinehart, Calista, 633 Rhodes, Henry, 674 Rhodes, James, 707 Rhodes, Jeremiah, 560 Rhodes, Simeon, 710 Richards, Albert, 682 Richards, Andrew, 727 Richards, Dudley, 578 Richards, E. 710 Richards, John, 679 Richards, Linus, 640 Richards, William, 754 Richardson, David, 589 Richardson, Elliot, 754 Richardson, Frances, 692 Richie, Samuel, 590 Richie, Seth W., 599 Richie, Thomas W., 500 Richter, John, 732 Richter, John H., 734 Rieman, Gotleib, 494 Riggs, Sarah, 671 Riggs, Stephen, 670 Riley, James A., 662 Riley, William, 529 Rinolds, Elisha, 501 Rivitt, John, 699 Robb, Elihu, 620 Robb, John, 630 Robb, Thomas, 650 Robb, William, 621 Robbins, Daniel, 559 Roberson, William, 540 Roberts, Finbrook, 493 Roberts, Isaac, 699 Roberts, Lewis, 568 Roberts, Thomas F., 593 Roberts, William, 492 Roberts, William, 716 Robertson, William H., 648 Robin, Rothembo, 701 Robins, Adolphanes, 695 Robins, Andrew, 722 Robins, D.T., 735 Robins, Francis, 705 Robins, T.H., 704 Robins, Walter, 508 Robinson, Sarah, 566 Robinson, Thomas L., 565 Robison, James, 580 Robison, James A., 618 Rodson, William A., 658 Roelfson, Mary, 676 Roelfson, Robert, 669 Roelfson, Thomas S., 681 Rogers, Alex, 580 Rogers, Emily, 538 Rogers, Joseph, 591 Rogers, Locklin, 764 Rogers, R.P., 529 Rogers, Thomas, 602 Rohic, Peter C., 516 Romine, John W., 667 Root, Charles, 709 Rop, Edward, 743 Rop, George, 758 Rop, Joseph C., 644 Rop, William, 587 Ropp, Joseph, 706 Rosencrans, Daniel, 573 Rosencrants, Dewitt, 504 Ross, Geroge, 711 Ross, John, 709 Roth, James, 511 Rouge, A.L., 586 Rouge, Emaline, 546 Rouze, Joseph, 491 Rowly, Manly, 566 Roy, William, 716 Rucker, Harvey, 582 Rue, Henry, 711 Rue, Mary, 712 Runcan, Lydia, 549 Rundal, Andrew, 517 Rundel, William, 580 Rundlet, L.P., 588 Runson, William, 733 Rush, George, 538 Rush, Perly A., 538 Rusk, John M., 534 Russell, Louisa, 586 Russell, T.K., 668 Rutledge, John, 693 Rutledge, Mary, 688 Rutledge, William J., 687 Ryan, Dennis, 672 Rybolt, Henry, 546 Ryhm, James, 667 Rynolds, Ella, 519 Rynolds, Patrick, 659 Sackwool, W.W., 718 Saddler, Joseph B., 525 Salman, John, 734 Salmons, William, 706 Samonds, Margaret, 613 Sampson, Henry, 527 Sampson, J.M., 642 Sampson, James F., 639 Sampson, Verdila, 642 Samuels, Charles P., 629 Samuels, James A., 625 Samuels, John F., 628 Samuels, Robert, 627 Samuels, Robert F., 628 Samuels, Thomas, 628 Samuels, William J., 628 Sandy, Edward, 539 Sanford, William, 592 Sappington, Preston, 742 Savage, William E., 580 Sawyer, Erastus, 491 Sawyer, Jackson, 491 Scady, Mary A., 644 Schenk, Daniel, 544 Schenk, David, 521 Schenk, John, 674 Schenk, William B., 628 Scher, W.J., 674 Schooley, Jerrall, 743 Scoggin, William, 667 Scooley, Eliza, 742 Scott, Andrew, 662 Scott, Arthur, 715 Scott, C.P., 510 Scott, Daniel, 652 Scott, David, 521 Scott, Frances, 666 Scott, John A., 716 Scott, Mary, 663 Scott, William L., 663 Scroggin, Mary J., 519 Sears, Albert, 733 Sears, David, 647 Sears, John, 606 Seely, Samuel, 673 Sellards, David F., 598 Seprons, M., 604 Session, John, 605 Sessions, Dawyn, 647 Sessions, Ira, 630 Sexton, William, 537 Shackey, Elizabeth, 673 Sharp, Mary, 639 Shaw, William, 682 Shaw, William B., 507 Shean, Patrick, 583 Shell, James, 716 Shelton, Martin, 549 Shepherd, F.M., 762 Shepherd, George F., 585 Sherman, Jeremiah, 617 Sherman, Sarah, 634 Shick, Philip, 592 Shinaman, Samantha, 534 Shiniman, Isaac, 536 Shinkle, Benjamin, 739 Shinkle, Christian, 733 Shinkle, E., 738 Shinkle, James, 697 Shinkle, John, 696 Shinkle, John L., 734 Shirley, William, 667 Shockey, Parthena, 713 Shoemaker, Barnard, 543 Shoemaker, Hardy, 711 Shoemaker, Jeremiah, 733 Shoemaker, Joseph, 544 Shoemaker, Phebe, 545 Shoemaker, William, 716 Shoemaker, William P., 544 Shokey, Dennis, 659 Short, James, 665 Shover, William S., 579 Shreves, Isreal, 708 Shrorggard, George, 723 Shuker, C.W., 641 Shurtoff, S., 564 Simmonds, George, 534 Simmonds, Walter, 680 Simmonson, John A., 497 Simpson, Samuel, 593 Simpson, William, 727 Simpson, William, 730 Slack, John D., 641 Slatten, Landers, 750 Slatton, James, 492 Slick, Samuel, 697 Slover, John, 757 Smallwood, G.P., 489 Smallwood, Geroge D., 507 Smallwood, John B., 493 Smallwood, Joseph B., 508 Smallwood, P.W., 489 Smith, Amanda, 665 Smith, Arabella, 529 Smith, C.C., 672 Smith, Charles, 617 Smith, D.W., 566 Smith, Edward, 644 Smith, Elizabeth, 582 Smith, George, 606 Smith, George, 649 Smith, H.P., 582 Smith, Henry, 703 Smith, Jacob, 528 Smith, John, 669 Smith, John, 702 Smith, John A., 489 Smith, John A., 559 Smith, Margaret, 575 Smith, Martha, 566 Smith, Mary, 551 Smith, N.W., 570 Smith, Nancy, 646 Smith, Peter, 590 Smith, Richard S., 604 Smith, Samuel, 589 Smith, Thomas, 516 Smith, Thomas, 567 Smith, Thomas, 601 Smith, W.W., 605 Smith, Walter, 650 Smith, William, 587 Smith, William B., 604 Smoot, Henry, 653 Snell, Thomas, 604 Snook, Elizabeth, 707 Solomon, John, 498 Southerland, George W., 538 Spainhoward, Allen, 489 Spainhoward, C., 489 Spainhoward, James, 495 Spalding, Mary, 618 Spencer, James S., 659 Spencer, Levi, 528 Spencer, Samuel, 658 Spencer, William, 664 Spicer, Jmaes, 705 Spicer, M.B., 544 Spradling, John, 578 Spradlng, John, 689 Sprag, William, 600 Sprague, Charles L., 597 Sprague, James C., 631 Sprague, Joseph D., 623 Sprang, Mathew, 598 Spratt, James, 693 Spring, Thomas, 634 Spurling, Isaac, 552 Squire, E.A., 545 Squires, David, 546 St. Clair, Albert, 594 St. Clair, Armelda, 595 St. Clair, Henry, 636 Stafford, Walter, 552 Stagner, Amos J., 523 Stamate, Hiram, 500 Stanapin, James, 648 Stanby, Hannah, 538 Stanby, Hannah, 593 Stansbury, Albert, 712 Stansbury, Charles, 699 Stansbury, Emily, 700 Stansbury, Isaac, 713 Stansbury, James, 713 Stansbury, James E., 559 Stansbury, Madison, 585 Stanton, Amon, 572 Staples, John M., 512 Stauton, Amon, 572 Steers, E.B., 710 Stenson, N.S., 584 Stephens, James, 489 Stephens, Sarah J., 559 Steward, Stephen, 535 Stewart, Aaron, 548 Stewart, David, 682 Stewart, Mary, 554 Stewart, Mary, 615 Stiles, Ushala, 585 Stocky, Ephraim, 729 Stoddard, Charles, 693 Stofer, Benjamin, 496 Stofer, Henry, 510 Stokes, J.C., 564 Stone, James, 502 Stone, James R., 676 Stone, John, 506 Stoner, John, 508 Stoops, Philip, 760 Storts, Charles, 557 Storts, William, 556 Story, A.J., 540 Story, Susan, 584 Story, William, 634 Story, William, 692 Story, William H., 539 Stout, Elihu A., 618 Stout, Eliza, 555 Stout, Jesse, 570 Stout, Philip, 584 Stoutenborough, Garret, 546 Stouts, Henry, 596 Strain, Isaac, 567 Strain, John H., 500 Strain, Sarah, 633 Strange, Nancy, 630 Strayer, Elizabeth, 551 Street, Harriet, 528 Street, John L., 527 Strutz, George, 670 Stulman, Eliza, 577 Styles Mathew, 595 Summer, Daniel, 651 Summer, William, 661 Summers, Harrison, 511 Summers, John M., 511 Summers, Peter C., 669 Summerville, James, 675 Sumpter, Hiram, 604 Sumpter, James, 603 Sung, Lydia, 647 Sunn, Alex., 618 Surface, Elizabeth, 538 Sutton, Adilla, 645 Sutton, George, 762 Sutton, John W., 644 Sutton, Peter, 761 Swan, Malcom, 631 Sweaney, Richard, 595 Swearingen, Abraham, 657 Swearingen, Lemmuel, 669 Swergen, John H., 656 Swerney, John, 592 Swernkin, E.W., 656 Swett, Drucilla, 659 Swigart, Daniel, 725 Swisher, Isaac, 751 Swisher, John W., 751 Swisher, Rachel, 751 Sworde, S.L., 568 Tackwell, Marion, 723 Talbert, Elizabeth, 741 Tamer, George, 693 Tami, James, 678 Taylor, Benjamin, 727 Taylor, D.W., 559 Taylor, George S., 680 Taylor, Henry, 586 Taylor, James, 690 Taylor, James, 756 Taylor, Lettie A., 635 Taylor, Robert, 553 Taylor, Sabin, 577 Taylor, Samuel, 510 Taylor, Smith, 574 Taylor, W.A., 670 Taylor, William, 601 Taylor, William, 737 Taylor, William A., 635 Taylor, William H. 707 Teal, William, 617 Teeter, Victoria, 692 Tenny, Boyton, 640 Teter, Henry, 685 Teter, Martin, 685 Thomas, Calista, 561 Thomas, G.J., 541 Thomas, Larkin, 718 Thomas, Madison, 580 Thomas, Micheal, 714 Thomas, Sarah, 493 Thomas, Thomas C., 714 Thomas, Wiley, 717 Thomas, William R., 573 Thompson, Alta E., 498 Thompson, Calvin, 504 Thompson, Drury, 505 Thompson, George W., 504 Thompson, Hugh, 504 Thompson, Jeremiah, 503 Thompson, Levi, 734 Thompson, Sarah, 506 Thompson, Tabitha, 504 Thompson, Thomas, 497 Thompson, William, 504 Thompson, Wilson, 546 Thornly, Anne, 543 Thornly, D.M., 543 Thorp, James, 671 Thorp, S.W., 606 Thorp, Sophrinia, 606 Thorp, William H., 608 Thorpe, John, 681 Thorpe, Joseph, 681 Thrasher, Rodwin, 680 Throcmorton, John, 747 Throcmorton, Martha, 748 Tice, Susan, 556 Tidbull, Joseph, 572 Timmerrn, Micheal, 711 Timmond, Harrison, 731 Timmons, Albert, 734 Timmons, May, 696 Todd, George, 546 Todd, James S., 545 Tolbert, Charles, 756 Tolle, Amos D., 682 Tomlinson, Thomas, 532 Toothacre, Spencer, 701 Torrence, Cordelia, 496 Torvet, James, 752 Torvet, Peter, 752 Townsby, Mathias, 705 Trapp, Catherine D., 508 Trego, Mary, 733 Trego, Samuel, 732 Trimble, David, 671 Trimer, John, 655 Troutman, Micheal, 679 Trowbridge, Abraham, 551 Trowbridge, Alex, 551 Trowbridge, George, 642 Trowbridge, Rebecca, 548 Troxel, David, 664 Troxell, Henry, 664 Troxell, Samuel, 661 True, Sarah, 533 True, Simon, 532 Truesdel, Arthur, 521 Truitt, Elijah, 596 Trumble, Elizabeth, 692 Tucker, David, 555 Tuggle, Charles, 761 Tully, Isaac, 623 Turner, Charles D., 688 Turner, Fracis, 572 Turner, James, 682 Turner, James R., 550 Turner, Spencer D., 681 Turner, William, 729 Tuthman, Lewis, 695 Tuttle, John W., 715 Twist, Cicero, 533 Twohill, Daniel, 668 Tyler, John, 735 Tyler, Samuel, 735 Upton, Aaron, 631 Valens P., 670 Vance, Jesse, 688 Vance, Lemmuel, 692 Vance, Solomon, 688 Vandevender, James, 688 Vandevender, Rachel, 688 Vandever, James, 536 Vandever, Lysander, 538 Vandover, Charles, 598 Vandover, John, 750 Vandover, Thomas, 687 Vannotte, Manford, 729 Vannotte, William D., 714 Vanotte, Ann, 717 Vanotte, Benjamin W., 717 Vanotte, Daniel, 713 Vanotte, Thompson, 717 Varnaly, George, 655 Varnaly, James, 654 Varner, Cynthia, 663 Vincent, Andrew J., 629 Volens, Martin, 669 Vulty, Mary, 679 Wabuth, Annias, 735 Wade, Samuel, 526 Wakefield, Orin, 738 Walbern, Isaac, 557 Walbern, Isaac, 623 Walcut, Samuel, 502 Walden, James, 683 Walden, Judith, 683 Walden, Louvisa, 514 Walden, Mathew, 684 Walden, Thomas, 684 Walden, William, 683 Waldo, S.B., 533 Waldon, Elijah, 680 Walker, Barley, 751 Walker, Charles, 725 Walker, Philip, 684 Walker, Solomon, 685 Walker, William, 695 Wallace, A.J., 555 Wallace, Andrew, 554 Wallace, James, 555 Wallace, Lenora, 534 Wallace, Thomas C., 533 Waller, David, 523 Waller, E.L., 705 Waller, Nathan S., 596 Waller, Salmon, 562 Waller, Susan, 597 Waller, William B., 529 Walters, Alfred, 683 Walters, Andrew, 762 Walters, George, 722 Walters, Harrison, 735 Walters, Joseph, 679 Walton, John, 546 Walton, Peter, 704 Wantland, Charles M., 608 Ward, Alma, 559 Warfield, John, 594 Warlen, John, 552 Warner, John, 567 Warnic, Theodore, 587 Warren, James, 747 Warren, Tillman, 757 Warren, William, 758 Warrenburg, Frederick, 535 Warrenburg, George, 503 Warrenburg, John, 495 Warric, Madison, 527 Washam, Jacob, 568 Washburn, George, 579 Washington, William, 657 Waters, Margaret, 563 Watson, Albert G., 517 Watson, Charles, 715 Watson, Charles A., 516 Watson, Isaac, 541 Watson, James, 552 Watson, James, 715 Watson, James L., 687 Watson, John, 690 Watson, Lavina, 518 Watson, Martin, 539 Watson, Mary, 517 Watson, May, 715 Watson, Samuel, 686 Watson, Sarah, 519 Watson, William, 554 Watt, Elijah, 731 Watt, Pleasant, 758 Watts, John F., 543 Waybright, Eliza, 686 Waybright, G.W., 685 Weaver, George, 528 Weaver, Solomon, 603 Webb, Catherine, 755 Webb, Henry, 750 Webb, Henry, 756 Webb, Isaac, 733 Webb, James V., 714 Webb, R.H., 715 Webb, Richard, 716 Webb, William, 755 Webb. Hezekial, 716 Webb. Preston, 716 Webster, John, 666 Webster, O.W., 704 Weedman, John B., 712 Weeks, William, 531 Weidman, Amos, 699 Weidman, Asa, 700 Weidman, E.C., 699 Weidman, George, 701 Weir, John, 660 Welch, A.B., 711 Welch, Aaron, 589 Welch, Bridget, 672 Welch, John, 637 Welch, Paul D., 504 Welch, William, 589 Welch, William C., 589 Weld, Edwin, 530 Weld, William, 530 Weldon, L., 588 Wellan, John F., 609 Wells, J.W., 645 West, James, 690 West, Joana, 637 West, John, 568 West, Robert, 636 West, William A., 690 Wetzel, David, 708 Wetzel, George, 707 Wetzel, Jefferson, 707 Wetzhimer, Joshua, 695 Wheeler, James, 713 Wheeler, Mary, 647 Wheeler, R.H., 573 Wheeler, Rolland, 713 Whilte, Henry, 703 White, Adam, 750 White, David, 708 White, Elva, 704 White, Francis, 756 White, James, 703 White, James, 708 White, John, 709 Whitman, William C., 645 Wicks, Sarah, 706 Wicks, William, 606 Wideman, Andrew, 567 Wiedman, Catherine, 707 Wiedman, Sarah, 702 Wiley, Charles, 492 Wiley, Isaac, 658 Wilkins, Benjamin S., 494 Willard, Margaret, 591 Willen, John, 563 Williams, A.A., 717 Williams, Alex, 721 Williams, Andrew, 606 Williams, Bradley, 760 Williams, Catherine, 634 Williams, Emma, 700 Williams, George, 524 Williams, George, 649 Williams, Hannah, 581 Williams, J., 690 Williams, James, 689 Williams, James M., 690 Williams, John B., 743 Williams, John H., 690 Williams, John W., 514 Williams, Mary, 736 Williams, Presley, 740 Williams, Rebecca, 659 Williams, Rebecca, 741 Williams, S.M., 672 Williams, Sarah, 741 Williams, Sarah L., 526 Williams, Simon, 624 Williams, William, 586 Williams, William, 742 Williams, William, 754 Williams, Zinge, 751 Williamson, John, 735 Williamson, John A., 593 Williamson, John W., 736 Williamson, Sarah A., 605 Willis, Elizabeth, 689 Willis, James S.B., 606 Willmore, Charles, 763 Willmore, James, 762 Willoughby, William, 651 Wilson, Albert, 533 Wilson, Alonzo, 701 Wilson, Amos, 739 Wilson, Dorcus, 706 Wilson, Edward, 678 Wilson, Francis, 702 Wilson, George, 683 Wilson, Hiram, 624 Wilson, J.S., 590 Wilson, James H., 625 Wilson, John, 657 Wilson, Rachel, 759 Wilson, Thomas, 758 Wimer, Henry, 530 Wimer, John R., 514 Winebrinner, Alvira, 510 Winebrinner, James C., 662 Winegate, J.M., 670 Wineham, Henry, 653 Wineham, J.A., 662 Winkle, Abraham, 646 Winkle, George, 635 Winkle, Joseph, 636 Winkle, Soveign, 519 Winslow, Albert, 695 Winslow, Alfred, 718 Winslow, Alfred, 740 Winslow, Charles S., 582 Winslow, David, 760 Winslow, Jeremiah, 739 Winslow, Joseph, 582 Winslow, William, 740 Winterringer, Roswell, 607 Winters, John P., 536 Wirrick, John, 509 Wise, Isiah, 721 Wise, Sarah, 721 Wiseganer, George, 722 Wisegarver, George B., 763 Wisegarver, Moses, 532 Wisner, H.C., 588 Witton, H.E., 533 Wolf, James, 743 Wolf, John B., 570 Wolf, Philip, 575 Wolverton, Jacob, 548 Wood, David, 504 Wood, George, 677 Wood, Isaac C., 547 Wood, Jeremiah, 701 Wood, Joseph, 762 Wood, Thomas, 750 Woodard, James, 707 Woodard, Jesse C., 587 Woodard, John, 588 Woods, David, 752 Woods, David M., 746 Woods, Oscar D., 680 Worley, William H., 740 Wray, Robert, 514 Wray, Sarah, 552 Wray, William, 514 Wren, Isaac, 629 Wren, John, 630 Wren, John P., 617 Wright, Amelia, 569 Wright, Amos B., 518 Wright, G.W., 749 Wright, James, 601 Wright, John, 673 Wright, Thomas C., 554 Wright, William, 662 Wyatt, Julia, 742 Yates, Anna, 736 Yates, George, 723 Yates, James, 722 Yates, Madison, 725 Yates, William, 745 Yazel, Elizabeth, 590 Yazel, John, 589 Yazel, William, 758 Yearwood, Charles W., 576 Yoeman, Elijah, 649 Yoemans, Almon, 583 Yonker, S.T., 672 Yonkin, Jonathan, 491 Yost, John, 759 Young, Andrew, 605 Young, Mary, 665 Young, William, 710 Zimmerman, John, 517 TOWNSHIPS INDEX Creek - Pages 489 - 508 Texas - Pages 509 - 531 Nixon - Pages 532 - 540 Tunbridge - Pages 541 - 557 Clinton - Pages 559 - 608 Barnett - Pages 609 - 629 Waynesville - Pages 629 - 652 Wapella - Pages 652 - 676 Wilson - Pages 677 - 684 Rutledge - Pages 685 - 698 Santa Anna - Pages 699 - 719 DeWitt - Pages 721 - 746 Harp - Pages 747 - 765 (The last four pages of Nixon were mixed up by whoever re-numbered the pages. Page 537 [the last page of the township] should have been 540, and 538, 539, and 540 should have been 537, 538, and 539.) (There was no copy of page 558.) (The totals for Waynesville show up on page 652, even though Wapella is listed as the township on page 651. Slip of the pen by the enumerator?) (There was no copy of page 720.) (Page 766 lists all the townships and totals.)